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Sermon Notes:

Sunday, January 13, 2019

God does not MUMBLE! He speaks with clarity and forthrightness. His instructions get us in position to receive what “HE” and only “HE” can deliver. Moving forward in the New Calendar Year, I will truly make a consensus effort to place my MIND on my miracle and my MIRACLE on my mind. These next few weeks will help position my mind to line up with God’s will and Gods word for my life!

Here He tells Habakkuk to “WRITE THE VISION” ….”AND MAKE IT PLAIN ON TABLETS”! The reason the vision had to be recorded on tablets of BAKED CLAY was so GOD’S WORD WOULD BE PRESERVED AND ESTABLISHED.

1. Get a Pen- ______________________________________________________
2. Write the Vision- _________________________________________________
3. Read it back (If it don’t make sense, then that’s ______________________)
4. Run it…. (Means go Run with what God told you to write)!
YOU SAY: What about the obstacles/problems I’m going to face?…..
People that always ______, never see situations as______________, they see them as ___________________!

OBSERVATIONS: What do you sense God is communicating to you through this sermon?
APPLICATION: In you daily life, how can you apply what you believe God is communicating?
PRAYER: How would you like God to help you live it out?
Take a few deep breathes……..
and have a wonderful remainder of your day!
“We can do”…. Phil. 4:13

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