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Would you please prayerfully consider volunteering to facilitate  a virtual small group(s)  between September 21-October 22, 2020?   

 You can indicate the meeting time(s)  you would like to facilitate by using the scheduling link by clicking here

As a church family we will be entering into unified study  and prayer around pertinent topics of the day from a Biblical perspective using our Prayer & Study Guides.

IMPORTANT:  This study does NOT replace or normal Saturday/Sunday Luke study.  These small groups are  constituted for a short time during our feast season.   ?

An ideal virtual  small group session would last 30-60minutes and would follow this order:

  1. Open with Prayer  (you may use the suggest “breath prayer” for the day, as found in the  Prayer Guide)
  2. Brief introductions/check-in (“How is it with your soul?”)
  3. Read the indicated scripture in the prayer and study guide together, out loud.
  4. Pause for a moment of reflection and let the scripture sink in.
  5.  I would recommend also reading the “concepts to consider”
  6. Use the suggested reflection questions in the prayer guide, or generic questions such as these:  “What did the scripture we read tell you about the nature of God?”  “What did you find comforting?”  “What did you find challenging?”  “What does this scripture tell us about people?”  “What will you do with what God has revealed?”  “Who will you encourage with what you’ve learned?”
  7. Close with prayer (using the Model Prayer as your guide; you may ask someone else to pray)

You may choose to use whatever virtual meeting interface you are comfortable with, but I suggest using Zoom, Google Meets, EZTalks,  or


ZOOM (100 people/40 min):

GOOGLE MEETS  (100 people/60 min.):

EZTALK FREE: (100 people /40 min): (primarily phone-based):

Thank you for your prayerful consideration!  I appreciate each and every one of you!  Together with the Love of the Lord we will continue to make it through this  season of sorting and shifting.  God is making way forward through the wilderness!

Please email me at if you have any comments or questions that will help us make this online experience more meaningful for all of us.

Blessings,  Pastor Kim


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