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  “IT IS!”

              “My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I hate to go in there alone.” 

                                                                                                              ~ Anne Lamott



As we continue our series, “Church Hurt,” we are reminded that hurt is hurt… regardless.  Family hurt, friend hurt, work hurt, etc., all hurt.  Appropriately, then, today’s message will help us address and resolve hurt, period, not just “Church Hurt.”

While hurt is hurt, “Church Hurt” tends to carry a peculiar sting for some persons.  As today’s message unfolds, that peculiarity will be acknowledged.  When this message is completed, you will be armed with practical and principled pointers for processing hurt and wounds based on God’s Word.  When properly processed, your hurts can actually help make you holy, and your wounds can help make you whole.

Meanwhile, however, let us deal with the painful reality of what to do when folk hurt us; why we sometimes position ourselves to be hurt; and how to keep it moving after the hurt occurs.

II. IT IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK.                                 Matthew 7:3
  1. Sometimes folk hurt you unknowingly or unintentionally, sometimes!
  2. Do not assume (the worst).  If you do, ask yourself why you did?
  3. Let the offender know.
  4. It may appear the way it is because of your history, not because of the reality.


III. IT IS WHAT YOU THINK.                                                     I Corinthians 13:4-7
  1. Sometimes, folk hurt you knowingly and intentionally.
  2. Harboring an unforgiving and wounded spirit can cause dis-ease within you.
  3. Your future and freedom are not a function of what was done to you by others.
  4. Instead, your freedom and future are a function of how you respond to what is done to you.
  5. Let I Corinthians 13:4-7 be your model of choice for your go-forward plan.
  6. God’s good will overcome the haters’ harm!


IV. IT IS WHAT IT IS.                                          Revelation 2:2, 2:19, 3:8, 3:15

    1. Jesus was misunderstood, criticized and attacked.
    2. Jesus said  and still says  “I know.”
    3. Do not allow pain of and in your past or present to impact God’s preferred future for you!

V. IT IS WHAT IT MEANS.                                        Isaiah 43:18-20

    1. When the hurt occurred (for whatever reason), what did the experience mean?
    2. What is your emotional connection to the occurrence?
    3. Oftentimes, the meaning buried in the event that caused the hurt may reveal (to you) why you still cling to the hurt.
    4. The wound may have also resulted in a death of a relationship.
    5. How will you replace that loss?
    6. Expect new things (to replace the old things) from The Lord!
  1. A liar   John 8:44
  2. A murderer John 8:44
  3. The adversary   I Peter 5:8
  4. A thief             John 10:10
  5. The accuser Revelation 12:10

© 2020 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved – No production of this material is permitted without expressed written permission of CMI

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