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Dear Church Family,

Greetings to you in the Miraculous and Magnificent Name of Jesus Christ!

Thank you for allowing The Lord God Almighty to perform great works through you to bless His people!  The Lord is truly awesome, and so are you.

As demonstrated by the facts below, your time, talent and treasures are giving God undisputed glory. Your commitment to God through your Church continues to make history.  Thanks, again, for your steadfast stewardship.  Let’s “keep it moving” for the Kingdom! The best is yet to come…

Our Humanitarian Highlights in the Community

We, the Windsor Village Church Family, along with our related nonprofit organizations − The Kingdom Builders’ Center, The Imani School, Kujichagulia, Pyramid Community Development Organization and The Prayer Institute – are making a seismic impact on the community.

Currently, we minister to more than 770,000 children, youth and adults; provide employment for over 900 people; and have created more than $165 million in property value. The breakdown is as follows:

The Power Center

  • 11,000 families ministered to each month
  • $159,000 in new property taxes generated
  • $2.2 million in property value created
  • $14.8 million annual income impact made

Pointe 2.3.4.

  • $1.7 million in annual sales generated by the commercial park
  • $16.5 million+ spent by families in Corinthian Pointe
  • $2.2 million new property taxes generated
  • $150 million+ in property value created
  • $50 million annual income impact made

Bread of Life

  • $30 million in housing development projects for previously homeless persons

May God continue to bless you abundantly as we provide help and hope for our community, in Jesus’ Name.

Psalm 5:12,



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