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We Have Exciting Plans for 2025 starting with our Ministry Lunch & Learn on the THIRD SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH! Lunch selections can be found when you register below, or you can drop by our Ministry Table this Sunday in the Legacy Hall. Registration is highly encouraged.  


“Let’s Stay Connected! Email us at .

The Singles’ Ministry “Stay Fit” Tips for Our Church Family (Children, Youth, Young Adults and Adults)


  1. Begin each day with God through Bible reading/study and prayer as well as end each day with prayer and thanksgiving.
  2.  Enjoy healthy nutrition by preparing meals consisting of protein along with plenty of vegetables, fruits and lots of water.   Include no sugary foods or only one serving of a sugary treat per week.
  3. Exercise at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes per day, covering your mouth and nose if needed.  Exercise may include:  walking your street block, jumping rope, push-ups, trampoline exercises, hula hooping, bike riding, jumping jacks, jogging, etc.
  4. Do plenty of hand washing throughout the day, along with a daily warm bath or shower.  Fulfill the CDC 20-second hand washing requirements by singing 3 times the chorus, “Yes, Jesus loves me.”
  5. Consider including a daily vitamin such as a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, E, D and Zinc.
  6. Minimize stress by replacing worry/stress with prayer and checking on others.  Watch out for stress enhancers.
  7. Tell someone you love them and/or demonstrate your love towards someone.

“But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of The Lord — how he may please The Lord.” (I Corinthians 7:32)


Three-fold: To help ensure God’s plan in the lives of adult Christian singles. To serve the local church and community by using our spiritual gifts to show the love of Christ. To build our relationship with Jesus and understand who we are in Christ, we find it spiritually beneficial to meet regularly for relevant discussion through biblical teachings, informal/formal gatherings, service and fellowship.


We believe that we should be constantly learning and sharing how to:

  • Minister to the body, soul and mind
  • Become multi-tasking and well balanced individuals
  • Strive to grow emotionally, spiritually, culturally and socially
  • Be good stewards of our talents, finances and time
  • Build on our faith and belief
  • Enhance character and commitment
  • Network with other local single ministries
  • Serve the Church and local community


To elevate the unmarried members of the body of Christ through the teaching of God’s Word, to fellowship with one another regardless of church membership and to affect the surrounding community by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


To serve as a catalyst for singles to use their collective strength, voices, and prayers as “supernatural” vehicles for the Kingdom of God. We are allowing God to utilize our gifts and abilities to fulfill His purpose in our lives to establish spiritual standards that will enable us to accomplish our Kingdom purpose.

How we do what we do?

Prayer, Praise and Worship are a vital part of forming a relationship with The Lord. By developing Godly relationships that will nurture and unify single adults toward one goal, which is becoming productive citizens of God’s Kingdom, we will create a ministry unlike any other.

For more information about the ministry, email

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