Each Sunday, representative (s) from each ministry will be available to recruit, answer questions, and give information about their ministry at tables in the foyer.

Have you been called to Serve?

To be a Christian, simply put, is to be a Jesus-follower—to do what Jesus did and to act like Jesus’ acted. However, we are only able to truly act like Jesus when our minds are being transformed into “the mind of Christ” through the ongoing, renewing work of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 2). We were created in God’s image to rule and reign in the earth as God’s ambassadors of wholeness, peace, joy, healing, righteousness, etc. (Genesis 1:26-28).

It is through service that God develops believers and provides a way for the body of Christ to use and mature their spiritual gifts. The unifying principle of God’s plan acts like “new energy” within the church. The apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus that the purpose of using spiritual gifts is, “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4: 12, 13).

What do we believe? The Windsor Village Church Family believed in the classical Christian doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ. These beliefs are best summarized in the Apostle’s Creed, one of the oldest declarations of basic Christian faith.
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I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Galatians 2:20

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Join Ministry

Welcome to the Kingdom Builders’ Ministries. Thanks for coming! Jesus said “the greatest among us shall be the servant of us all.” We cannot become great without serving. In fact, we cannot (even) fulfill our Christian mission without serving! Accordingly, we should serve, serve, serve! Allow me to offer ten (10) good reasons why you should serve in a ministry and feel good about it.

You should serve because:

  • Jesus Christ served;
  • It is Biblical;
  • Someone has served and still serves you;
  • You will feel better;
  • It is deeply ingrained in our ancestral tradition;
  • You will help usher in God’s Kingdom on earth;
  • You will defeat the works of the devil;
  • You will bless others;
  • You will bless yourself; and
  • The Lord God Almighty will be pleased and glorified!

Thanks for making a difference through your service. Blessings upon you and yours!

Get Involved


Care ministries provide hope, comfort and care through evangelistic witness to those who are hurt, in transition, or lost.
Click HERE


Providing safe, nurturing environments for children to grow healthy in their spirit, soul and body as they become victorious, productive Christians.
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Maintain a strong presence in the surrounding Houston community through education, awareness, and outreach.
Click HERE

Married Couples

Empowers married couples to understand, develop and sustain their relationships based on Christ-centered model for marriage.
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Mature Adult

Ministers to the needs of adults 55 and older.
Click HERE


Provides a gathering place for all men to fellowship, discover, heal, recover, liberate, rejuvenate, fortify, and inspire one another.
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Provides for the needs of the local community as well as the nations by fulfilling the Great Commission; feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. Local and global opportunities are available.
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Implementing God’s plans for the community through prayer, deliverance, miracles and healing.
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To serve as a catalyst for singles as they serve in the Kingdom of God.
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Fellowship opportunities (Women of Windsor), mentoring Bible Studies (The Twelve), and mission projects (UMW) with the goal of encouraging women and fostering discipleship.
Click HERE

Worship and Arts

Usher in the presence of God through song, dance, and drama; welcome and embrace the people of God; as well as magnify and exemplify the Kingdom of God through service.
Click HERE

Youth Outbreak

A caring, cutting-edge, Christian community of middle-high and high school students, their parents and volunteers walking in the newness of life. Serving, loving and living lives committed to Jesus Christ.
Click HERE

Interested in connecting with any of these ministry opportunities or if you are interested in something not listed?

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