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Immediately after being filled with the Holy Spirit, Yeshua was confronted by satan in a battle of Spiritual Warfare. That was his training camp for many spiritual battles throughout his ministry.

  • The Feast of Trumpets relates to our spiritual warfare as believers.
  • Just like Yeshua, once we are filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we will experience Spiritual Warfare battles!
  • The closer we draw to God, the more intense our spiritual battles become. Why, because we become a threat to satan.
  • Therefore, we must learn to live in Yeshua as our Horn of Salvation.
  • In Ephesians 6, Paul tells us to put on our full armor of God! We can do that by anointing ourselves in the mornings, or as The Holy Spirit leads. Tonight, we will prepare for battle by anointing ourselves with Frankincense which symbolizes “Prayer & Intercession.”
  1. Hands together in prayer mode: Lord, I come before you in preparation for 10 days of Awe. We are standing together on one accord to draw near to you through prayer, fasting, confessing & repenting.
  2. Hands on forehead: Abba father, transform my mind with Christlike thoughts. Give me supernatural spiritual discernment, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, as I stand in awe before you.
  3. Hands over eyes: Give me the eyes of Christ, so I can see with clarity, discernment, and wisdom.
  4. Hands over ears: Give me the ears of Christ to hear the secret things of God. I will call upon you and you will answer and tell me secret things that I do not know.
  5. Hands over heart: I dedicate my heart to you today by loving you with all my heart, mind, and soul, and loving my neighbors as myself.
  6. Hands on stomach: May the Spirit of Shalom, wholeness, wellness, nothing missing nor broken cover every organ in my body.
  7. Hands on knees: Help me to bow in humility seeking your love, mercy, and grace as I confess and repent of my sins. Create in me a clean heart, restore a righteous spirit within me to abide in oneness (Echad) with you.
  8. Hands on feet: May my feet walk in Power, Authority & Victory because of our love & oneness with each other.

Personal Daily Consecration (Being Set Apart): “Father, I anoint myself today with this oil as a sign of inward decision to consecrate my heart unto you. I give myself to you today and ask that you would anoint me for all that you desire to do through my life today. I thank you for your armor and your protection and apply them to myself. Adonai take control of me and work thru me to accomplish your purposes in my sphere of influence.”

From early Biblical day, anointing oil has been used in acts of consecration, dedication, and worship. The use of oil, very often fragrant oil, was ordained by God and was used by Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Samuel, David, Ruth, Esther, Mary of Bethany, and the disciples as they prayed in obed ience to Yeshua’s (Jesus) command (Mark 6:7-13). It was and is now, symbolic of the Inner Working of the Holy Spirit.


  • As an act of consecration and dedication, a setting apart for a special purpose in God’s Kingdom Houses, structures, articles of worship, clothing and people can be anointed as a sign of consecration to God.
  • As the priests of the home, husbands are encouraged to anoint their wives and children for consecration, protection, peace, pronouncing a blessing upon them as did the Fathers of Old.
  • As a preparation to bible study, devotional time, fasting, and praise and times of sickness, fear, anxiety, oppression of the enemy, end of mourning, ALSO in foot -washing ceremonies
  • As bath oil – olive oil is great for your skin and the fragrance is divine!



  • Balm of Gilead: An ancient, highly valued salve or ointment which was used to soothe and heal. Mentioned several times in the Bible and named for the region of Gilead where it was produced, it was a major commodity of trade in the ancient world. Its name became associated with the power to heal and soothe.
  • Cassia: one principal spice of the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint priests, kings and their garments. The coming King Messiah’s robes will smell of cassia (humility, being stripped of pride, set apart or holy with a servant’s heart) Psalm 45:8
  • Cedars: f ragrant wood used to build Temple and to anoint a restored leper’s house (strength, permanence, wholeness, restoration) Psalm 92:12
  • Covenant (Ketubah): a special blending of the f ragrances of the bridegroom (Frankincense & Myrrh), the Bride (Spikenard) and the Spirit of G-d (Hyssop/Holy Fire) (marriage covenant in Hebrew) Ex 24:1-8
  • Frankincense: This “heavenly” temple f ragrance has all the characteristics of traditional f rankincense with a layer of sweetness, less pungent that the f rankincense found in ancient times. John tells us the prayers of the saints ascent to the altar in heaven before the throne of God as a sweet -smelling savor. Rev. 5:8
  • Frankincense & Myrrh: used on the Altar of Incense in temple times, one of the 3 gifts brought to Messiah (intercession) Song of Songs 3:6, Isaiah 53:5, Heb. 3:24
  • Hyssop: exotic Biblical plant used in religious rituals of the Hebrews (cleansing, purification) Psalm 51:7
  • King’s Garment: A delicate blend of Myrrh, Cassia and Aloes, the 3 f ragrances describing the robes of the coming King Messiah. Psalm 45:8
  • Myrrh: Queen Esther bathed in oil of myrrh for six months before her presentation to the King (purification, dying to self, and preparation for the KING) Song of Songs 1:13
  • Pomegranate: highly prized f ruit mentioned in numerous scriptures — motif was used to decorate temple, embroidered on high priest’s garment (f ruitfulness, abundance, blessings, favor of God) Songs of Solomon 7:12
  • Rose of Sharon: f lower depicting the beloved (beauty of the beloved) Song of Solomon 2:1
  • Spikenard: f ragrant oil used by Mary to anoint head & feet of Jesus (spirit of prophecy, intimacy, extravagant worship) John 12:2-3

ABBA OIL LLC – 8850 Windfern Rd, Suite 5, Houston, TX 77064 TEL: 713-896-1859 – FAX: 281-598-1784 – Hours: Monday – Friday 8-4:30 (Closed on Weekends)

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