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Prayer Topic #5:

A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Holy Spirit


Scripture Reading:

Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2


Reflections of the Heart:

God promised His Holy Spirit centuries before Pentecost, and now because of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to do the work of the Lord and live freely, filled with God’s power.


Scriptural Prayer:


Our Father, we thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for empowering us to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. Thank you for leading us into all truth and guiding us in the way that we should go. We thank you for empowering us to do our daily tasks with excellence and for speaking and praying through us when we don’t know what to say. Lord, we bless Your Holy Name forever and ever. You are great and greatly to be praised. We praise You, God, because You are the Lord, and there is no other; apart from You there is no God.


Holy Spirit, we thank You for being God’s Representative in the earth. We confess that you are working through us to perform miracles, signs, and wonders so that people will experience the Kingdom of God. As we operate in this world, we declare that we will demonstrate Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control. We will remain hopeful, even through trials, and share Your hope with others. This hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. We confess that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we will offer our lives to You each day as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to You.


What areas of your life do you need more empowerment from the Holy Spirit:



Holy Spirit, help us to share the Kingdom in this dark world. Show us those areas in our personal lives that need to change so that we will not bring You sorrow by the way we live. Help us to correct the areas that do not represent the Father well and strengthen us where we are weak. Help us to minister the Word of truth to those who need it and give us words of comfort to those who are in despair. Holy Spirit, help us to be doers of the Word and not just hearers, and help us to walk by faith for without faith it is impossible to please God. Holy Spirit, we need your wisdom, discernment, knowledge, and understanding, so we can walk as Jesus did on this earth and do even greater things. Holy Spirit we ask that you infill all believers so that they may operate in kingdom authority. Help us to guard our bodies as temples and to not grieve You.


Heavenly Father, forgive us for all acts of sinfulness. Forgive us for at times not yielding control of our lives to Holy Spirit. Forgive us for not valuing our bodies or honoring You or ourselves. Forgive us for not presenting our bodies as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to You. Father, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed). Holy Spirit, remind all believers of those they need to forgive and help them to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive.  As He reveals them, say, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)


Holy Spirit, help us not to yield to temptation but deliver us from the evil one.


Almighty God, You are the great God, the mighty and awesome God who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. You alone are worthy of praise because You alone perform such great miracles. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Scripture References for the Written TextPsalm 145:21, Isaiah 45:5, Romans 8:26, Romans 5:5, John 14:26, Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 6:13, Romans 12:2, Hebrews 11:16, John 14:12, Deuteronomy 10:14,17, 21






© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. ©2022 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of CMI

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