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Prayer Topic #15:

A Prayer of Protection for the Windsor Village Church Family


Scripture Reading

Psalm 91, Psalm 37


Reflections of the Heart:

“If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.” – Psalm 91:9-11


Scriptural Prayer:


Abba Father, we thank You for being our shield and protector. Thank You for protecting our Church Family, Pastor Suzette, Pastor Lily, Pastor Ray, Pastor Craig, Pastor Sean; our visionary, Pastor Kirbyjon; and our leaders, and our Church Family in mind, body, and spirit. Thank You, Father, for blessing our Church Family to continue to prosper during these uncertain times. Lord, we will praise You in the great assembly. We will fulfill our vows in the presence of those who worship You. The poor will eat and be satisfied.  All who seek You will praise You. Their hearts will rejoice with everlasting joy. The whole earth will acknowledge You and return to You. All the families of the nations will bow down before You.


Blessed Father, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the Windsor Village Church Family. Father, unless You build the house (of Windsor), the work of the builders is wasted. Unless You protect this church, guarding it with sentries will do no good. We declare that Christ will be lifted up in our Church Family and our individual families, and the life of Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell. As a result, we expect people to be drawn to Christ.  We confess that the living God, the Lord strong and mighty, is the Lord of the Windsor Village Church Family. We decree that we are a Church Family that lives in the shelter of the Most High and we find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. God, alone, is our refuge, our place of safety. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is our God and we will trust in Him.  We declare that God’s peace will prevail in our city. Lord, we confess that no evil will come upon the Windsor Village Church Family, our visionary, pastors, staff, or congregation; neither will any plague come near our homes. Your Word states that You have given Your angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways.  Therefore, we expect that You alone will make us dwell in safety.


What would you like the Lord to do for our Church Family?  Ask Him:



Compassionate Father, we ask You to repair any breaches in the hedge of protection that is built around the Windsor Village Church Family. Destroy the assignments of the spirit of dissension, division, quarreling, confusion, poverty, perversion, greed, and injustice. Convict those in our Church Family who seek to do harm so that they will do good. Holy Spirit, let Your power and presence prevail throughout our Church Family and in the individual lives of everyone connected to us. Please expose every evil plot against our Church Family. Help every person to walk in love and unity towards each other and remind us to watch out for each other. Father, dispatch Your angels to stand guard over our congregation and the Gulf coast region. Continue to bless our Church so that we can be a blessing to others. Help us to increase our generosity as we trust You to provide.


Admirable Father, we admit our sinfulness. Forgive us for any acts of sin, including strife, discord, jealousy, rivalries, violence, injustice, hatred, oppression, greed, idolatry, pride, arrogance, theft, slander, adultery, fornication, sexual perversion, stinginess, racism, sexism and ageism.  Forgive those who do not put their trust in You at all times. Forgive those persons who have not acknowledged the blessings You have poured out upon our Church Family. Forgive those of us for not sharing Your Gospel with our neighbors and co-workers. As for me, Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed).  Holy Spirit, remind us all of those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive.  As He reveals them, say, “I forgive name of person(s).”  Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)


Holy Spirit, help us all not to yield to temptation but deliver us from the evil one.


Exalted Lord, Your Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Your dominion endures throughout all generations.  Lord, You reign, and You are clothed with majesty; You have girded Yourself with strength. The world is established, so that it cannot be moved. Your throne is established from of old and You are from everlasting. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Scripture References for the Written TextPsalm 22:25-27, Matthew 6:10, Psalm 127:1, John 12:32, Psalm 24:8, Psalm 91:1-2, Psalm 91:10-11, Ephesians 4:28, Matthew 6:13, Daniel 4:3, Psalm 93:1-2


Today, I will trust God to:



© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. ©2022 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of CMI

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