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Prayer Topic #15:

A Prayer of Preparation for the Day of Atonement

Scripture Reading

I Samuel 2:1-2, Psalm 32:1-5

Reflections of the Heart:

Jesus paid the price and bore our sins, so that we could experience at-one-ment with God.  No more shame, guilt or defilement.  So be assured that as we take spiritual inventory, confess and repent, as we fast, humble ourselves, and express sorrow, expect that all disgrace, contamination, and uncleanness will be destroyed.  We will be restored to full fellowship with our heavenly Father. Hallel YAH!

Scriptural Prayer:

Our Father in heaven, we thank You for increasing Your presence, power, anointing, and abundance in our lives during the High Holy Days.  We are so thankful for the freedom to worship You, our God, and for the forgiveness of sin.  Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, as the sacrificial lamb and High Priest who atones for our sins.  It is because of Him, we can say, “Abba Father,” and for this we are grateful.   Thank You for this special time of refreshing, repentance, and restoration.  Father, we honor Your Name.  No pagan god is like You, O Lord; none can do what You do! All the nations You made will come and bow before You, Lord; they will praise Your holy Name.  You are great, and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God.

Holy Father, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in our lives as we prepare for the Day of Atonement. We confess that all have sinned and fallen short of Your glorious standard.  But, You, in Your gracious kindness declare us not guilty. You have done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. You sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy Your anger against us. We are made right with You when we believe that Jesus shed His blood, sacrificing His life for us.  Lord, we are expecting You to hear us, forgive our sins, and heal our land because as Your people who are called by Your Name, we humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways.  We will strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress.  We run with endurance the race that You have set before us. We come with the expectation that all guilt, shame, regret, disgrace, defilement, and dishonor will be eradicated from our lives because we know that when we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Holy Spirit, I thank You for the following changes in my heart: 


Holy Spirit, continue to search our hearts and know our thoughts. Point out anything in us that offends You and lead us along the path of everlasting life. Holy Spirit, help us to admit our sin and guilt and to come into agreement with the Father about our sin.  Bring to our remembrance any past sins which we may have buried deep down because the thought of them may have been too painful.  Help us to deal with and process any secret sins which we do not want others to know about.  Holy Spirit, lead us to and help us receive God’s forgiveness and restoration. Help us to accept and fully understand God’s love for us and not get stuck in regret and condemnation. Assist us in repentance by helping us to turn away, walk away, stay away, and to never look back.

Forgiving Father, forgive us for all acts of sin and ungodliness. Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed)  Holy Spirit, remind us all of those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive.  As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive.  As He reveals them, say “I forgive name of person(s).”  Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)

Holy Spirit, as a Church Family, help us all not to yield to temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord, You are Holy.  You are the blessed and only Almighty God, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  You alone can never die, and You live in light so brilliant that no human can approach You.  No one has ever seen You, nor ever will.  To You be honor and power forever, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture References for the Written Text:   Psalm 86:8-10, Micah 7:18-19, Matthew 6:9, Romans 3:23-25, II Chronicles 7:14, Hebrews 12:1,1John 1:9, Psalm 139:23-24, Matthew 6:13, I Timothy 6:15-16

Today, I will trust God to:




© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. ©2021 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of CMI

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