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Prayer Topic #1: 

A Prayer for Women 

Scripture Reading: 

Psalm 97, Colossians 1:9-14 

Reflections of the Heart: 

Women are God’s woven tapestry. God loves women so much that He sent His Son to earth through one. Created in His image, women are the strength and beauty of a society, whether single or married, may our lives be a daily reflection of His Glory!   

Scriptural Prayer: 

Heavenly Father, You are our God and there is none other. We worship You in the splendor of Your Holiness. You are the true and living God to whom all honor and glory belongs. We thank You for creating us in Your image. We earnestly search for You; our souls thirst for You and our bodies long for You in this land where there is no water. Thank You for having good plans for our lives, to give us a future, and a hope and not plans for disaster. We declare our thanks and devotion to You for Your goodness and loving-kindness towards us. We will love You, Lord our strength. You are our Rock, our fortress and our savior. You are our God, our strength in whom we will trust. Thank You, Father, for blessing the women of our church and community. 

Lord, You created women to be the mothers of humanity. Today, we declare that the women of our church will not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but they will be transformed by the Holy Spirit to do what is good and pleasing and perfect in Your sight. We confess that our women will possess love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  We declare that our wives will honor their husbands and submit themselves to God by loving their husbands. We confess that our single women will excel in their academic and professional careers and they will devote themselves to serving God. Our women are blessed and they shall flourish like palm trees and be as strong as the cedars of Lebanon. They are planted in the house of our God and they shall flourish in His courts. Our women will bear fruit in their old age, and they shall be fresh and flourishing. They will declare that the Lord is just, He is their Rock, and there is no evil in Him. We declare that our mothers will direct their children onto the right path, and their children, when they are older, will not leave that path. We confess with holy boldness that our women, who are mothers, will give their children the Word of God, love, and encouragement.   


Ask Holy Spirit how you can specifically pray for a woman in your life:

Father, we ask You to give each woman a complete knowledge of Your will along with spiritual wisdom and understanding. Please order their days so that their daily activities are balanced and fruitful. Make the crooked places in our families straight and perfect those things that concern them.  Please help our singles and married women to live with all godliness and contentment, which is great gain. For those singles who desire a mate, help them to wait patiently on You. Knit the hearts of our married women closer together with their husbands and give them courage to live Your Word in every facet of their marriage. Father, please restore the broken places in those marriages that are struggling. Increase Your love and security in those marriages that are doing well. Father, we ask You to bless all the women of our Church Family.  

Father, please forgive our women for not trusting You with their lives.  Forgive them for quick tempers and a lack of patience.  Forgive those who are mothers for not raising their children according to Your word. Forgive mothers for allowing the television, radio, video games, music, older siblings and activities to raise their children. Forgive mothers for saying negative words against their children’s father. Forgive both married and single women for not seeking help when feeling anxious, depressed, fretful, angry, and overwhelmed. Father, please forgive our women for all of their sins. Lord, remind us all to forgive; and help us to be quick to forgive.  

Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one. 

Father, You laid the foundations of the earth and determined its dimensions.  You keep the sea inside its boundaries and declared that the proud waves must stop and go no farther. You command the morning to appear and cause the dawn to rise in the east. You make daylight spread to the ends of the earth and bring an end to the night’s wickedness.  The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is Your name!  In Jesus’ name, amen. 


Scripture References for the Written Text (NKJV & NLT): Psalm 29:2, Genesis 1:26, Psalm 63:1, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 18:1-2, Genesis 3:20, Romans 12:2, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:22, I Corinthians 7:32, Psalm 92:12-15, Proverbs 22:6, Colossians 1:9, Isaiah 42:16, I Timothy 6:6, Matthew 6:13, Job 38:4-5,8,11-13


Today, I will trust God to:   



© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. ©2023 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of CMI

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