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Prayer Topic #13:

A Prayer for Wives Who are Desiring To Get Pregnant


Scripture Reading:

I Samuel 2, Romans 8:1-5

Reflections of the Heart:

This is the ______ day of the Omer. “We praise You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us by Jesus Christ, our eternal Redeemer and Savior, and commanded us to count the Omer.  By faith, we wait with joyful hearts to celebrate the sending of Your Holy Spirit.”

Scriptural Prayer:

Our Father, we thank You for the blessing of children and family. Thank You for each wife who stands in faithful expectancy of a child to hold in her arms. Thank You for Your creative power which is able to open closed wombs and cause them to thrive with new life. We will praise You, Lord, with all our hearts. We will tell of all the marvelous things You have done. We will be filled with joy because of You, and we will sing praises to Your Name, O Most High. May Your glorious Name be praised! May it be exalted above all blessing and praise!

Exalted Father, we believe that just as You were attentive to Hannah’s pleas for help, You hear the cries of every wife who longs to become a mother. We, the Body of Christ, declare that their prayers will not go unanswered, for You promised that You would withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. We confess that these wives will not grow weary and lose hope. In Jesus Name, we declare that bodies of each husband and wife in our Church Family are whole and complete, lacking nothing. We confess that they have victory over doubt, fear, and unbelief. We believe that You will connect them with those people who will love and support them as they trust You for children of their own. We decree that they will be parents who are full of wisdom and patience. They will train their children up in the way they should go, and when their children are old, they will not depart from it. These expectant couples will do all they can to nurture their marriages so that the atmosphere of their home will be ready to receive children into a loving, peaceful environment.

List the names of any wives you know who desire to have a child and pray for them by name today:


Holy Spirit, we ask that help the wives who desire to get pregnant to develop strong, healthy relationships with faith-filled believers who will stand in agreement with them and their husbands. Teach them how to take care of themselves physically, mentally and spiritually. Help them to rest and trust in the Father’s perfect timing. Keep them from becoming envious of others who have already conceived a child. Heal their hearts and deliver them from any guilt or shame they may be feeling. Help their husbands to show compassion and be patient and understanding toward them as they wait to conceive. Once they do conceive, strengthen them against the temptation to worship or overindulge their children. May they always be thankful and give glory to God, keeping Him first in their lives.

Loving Father, forgive the wives who desire to get pregnant of any known or unknown acts of disobedience. Forgive the wives and husbands for any past sins they may have committed. Forgive them for holding unforgiveness in their hearts toward others. Forgive them for giving in to frustration, anger, or outbursts of wrath. Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that You have committed). Holy Spirit, remind the wives and husbands of those they need to forgive and help them to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that You may need to forgive. As He reveals them, say, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in Your soul caused by unforgiveness.)

Holy Spirit, help the wives and husbands who desire to get pregnant not to yield to temptation but deliver them from the evil one.

Sovereign Lord, You are the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for You? You are mighty, but You do not despise anyone. You are mighty in both power and understanding. You are greater than we can understand. Your years cannot be counted. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 9:1-2, Nehemiah 9:5, I Samuel 19:20, Psalm 84:11, Proverbs 22:6 NKJV, Matthew 6:13, Jeremiah 32:27, Job 36:5, 26


Today, I will trust God to: 





© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. ©2021 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of CMI

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