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Prayer Topic #8:

A Prayer for Men and Boys


Scripture Reading:

Daniel 6:25-27, II Kings 18:1-7


Reflections of the Heart:

God loves men and He wired them for success. The enemy has been disrupting God’s preferred plans for our men through a strategy to steal, kill, and destroy them. Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams noted, “Life is not fair; we only get what we are willing to fight for!” By praying for our men, boys, and families we are positioned to “Fight to Win!” God used a man to redeem humankind and He continues to empower men to work in His Kingdom.


Scriptural Prayer:


Heavenly Father, how excellent is Your name in all the earth. Your glory is set above the heavens. Blessed is Your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise. You are great and greatly to be praised. Your greatness is unsearchable. You are good to everyone. You shower compassion upon all of Your creation. All of Your works will thank You, Lord, and we, Your faithful followers, will praise You. We will tell of the glory of Your Kingdom and give examples of Your power. Lord, we thank You for our men and boys. We thank You for equipping them to take their rightful place in You. Thank You for empowering them to walk in Your power and authority. Thank You for the men and boys who will join the body of Christ and glorify Your name. Thank You, God, for restoration, reconciliation, and healing in our families and communities. Thank You, for giving us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Lord, You are good. Your mercy endures forever.


Righteous Father, by faith, we call all of our men and boys in the body of Christ saved, sanctified, and filled with Your Spirit. Your Word instructs that faith without works is dead, so we confess that the men and boys will work to develop and demonstrate their Christian faith daily. We declare that they will be priestly providers and protectors of their families. We decree that our boys will love the Lord with all of their hearts, minds, and strength, and like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they will excel academically, socially, and psychologically. Our boys shall become great leaders, loving husbands, and excellent fathers. We confess that as our men and boys submit to Your Word; they will be transformed by the renewing of their minds. Lord, we decree that their belief systems and behavior patterns will reflect Your righteousness in their personal and professional lives. We declare that the light of Jesus will be reflected by their actions. As they fellowship with one another, others will see their good works and glorify You, our Father in heaven. Lord, we confess that Your favor surrounds them like a shield. We declare that in all their getting, the men of our church will get an understanding of the Word and position themselves for increase, promotion, and advancement. We confess that they will earn, save, spend, and invest money in obedience to Your perfect plan for their lives and families. We declare that their finances are blessed and they are lenders, not borrowers. Lord, because we realize that the food, we put in our bodies can impact our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual capabilities, we declare that our men and boys will practice healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise habits. Above all, we confess that they are victorious in everything they do, because Your future for them is filled with hope, good, and not evil.


Holy Spirit, as God continues to position the men and boys in my Church Family into their rightful place, tell me how to specifically pray for them?



Holy Spirit, we ask that You touch the hearts of every believer to pray for our men and boys of this local assembly. Help our single and married men to live with all godliness and commitment. For those singles who desire a mate, help them to find her. Knit the hearts of our married men closer together with their wives and give them courage to live Your Word in every facet of their marriage. Father, increase their love for their wives so that they love them like Christ loves the church. Holy Spirit, please empower us all to stand against society’s systems and structures that result in ten percent of all pre-school boys being suspended. Holy Spirit, studies show that ninety percent of all “behavioral problems” in public schools are linked to boys. Please touch the hearts of fathers to teach their children Your godly principles and help them to raise their children. Give them plans and strategies that will destroy these statistics and empower our boys to succeed academically, socially, and psychologically. Turn the hearts of fathers back towards their children and their children’s hearts back towards them.


Loving Father, please forgive our men and boys for not trusting You totally with their lives. Father, forgive our men for sins of disobedience, selfishness, lying, pornography, fornication, adultery and for not accepting the responsibility for leadership within their families and communities. Forgive our boys for rebellion, selfishness, and for unbecoming behavior. Lord, please help our men and boys in our congregation to forgive family members, friends, and loved ones who have hurt or offended them. Father, heal emotional wounds caused by these hurts. Father, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed.) Holy Spirit, remind our men and boys of those they need to forgive and help them to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He reveals them, say, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)


Worthy Father, help them not to yield to temptation but deliver them from the evil one.


Lord, we praise Your name. Your name alone is exalted. Your glory is high above the earth and heaven. You are worthy Lord to receive glory, honor, and power. You created all things by your will, and by Your will they exist and were created. You are Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 8:1, Nehemiah 9:5, Psalm 145:3,9-11, II Peter 1:3, Psalm 136:1, Hebrews 11:1, James 2:17, Deuteronomy 6:5, Daniel 1:17, Romans 12:2, Matthew 5:16, Psalm 5:12,

Proverb 4:7, Deuteronomy 28:12, Jeremiah 29:11, I Timothy 6:6, Ephesians 5:25, Malachi 4:6, Matthew 6:13,

Psalm 148:13, Revelation 4:11, Isaiah 9:6


Today I will trust God to:


© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. ©2024 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of CMI


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