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Prayer Topic #12

A Prayer for People Looking for Employment


Scripture Reading:

Psalm 47, Ezekiel 34:25-31


Reflections of the Heart:

God knows exactly what His children stand in need of. His Word is full of promises concerning His provision, protection, and care for us. Stand on His promises as you, or those you know, look for employment and expect to receive the manifestation of those promises.


Scriptural Prayer:


Most Excellent Father, thank You for allowing Your children to dwell in the secret place under Your shadow. Thank You for being our refuge and fortress. You are a Mighty God! Thank You for meeting the needs of those who are currently unemployed. Thank You, Lord, for assuring us, as Your children, that our promotion does not come from any earthly source, but it is You alone who judges who will rise and who will fall. We rest and trust in You because this whole earth and those who dwell in it belong to You. With all that we are, we will praise You. We will never forget the good things that You do for us. Glory to Your holy name!


Glorious Father, in Jesus’ name, we command the doors of favor and opportunity for employment to open for our unemployed brothers and sisters! As a Church Family, we confess that as they seek Your Kingdom above all else and live righteously, You will give them everything they need. We decree that they will not be idle or lazy, wanting much, but doing little. No! They will be diligent and work hard and will prosper. We declare that our unemployed will not be worried about anything. Instead, they will pray about everything and trust You to meet their needs. They will remain thankful for all You have done in their lives. Even when they are confronted with rejection or negative reports, they will remain confident that You are for them and they will not be fearful of what people will do to them. We confess that they will continually study Your Word and meditate on it day and night. As they do this, they will prosper and succeed in all that they do. We decree that Your favor will surround them as with a shield when they go for interviews.


If you know someone who is unemployed or who wants new employment, write down their names and insert their names into this prayer:



Holy Spirit, help our unemployed friends and family members (speak the names) to prepare themselves and enhance their skills so that they will be ready when opportunities present themselves. Help them to wait patiently on the Lord and trust Him to guide them to the job He has for them. Enlighten the eyes of their understanding to know their strengths and to find creative ways to highlight their resumes and job applications. Touch the hearts of those who are resistant to change and encourage them to look for new career opportunities. Remove fear and anxiety from their lives. Help (speak the names) to resist pride and to be humble and honest with those who will interview them.  Show them how to use sound judgment as they weigh their job offers. Continue to supernaturally meet their day-to-day needs as they continue to pursue employment opportunities. When (speak the names) receive their new jobs, remind them to tithe and to honor You with their wealth and with the best part of everything they produce to show their gratitude to God, our Father.


Merciful Father, please forgive those who have not honored You in the workplace during their past employment. Forgive those who believe the world’s report more than Your report about their future.  Forgive those for who have not honored You with tithes and offerings consistently. Father God, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed). Holy Spirit, remind those who are seeking employment to forgive and help them to be quick to forgive.  As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He reveals them, say, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.


Holy Spirit, help those who are seeking employment not to yield to temptation but deliver them from the evil one.


Omnipotent Lord, salvation and glory and power belong to You! You are the Lord Almighty who reigns. Summon Your might, O God and display Your power as You have in the past.  As Your name deserves, O God, You will be praised to the ends of the earth. Your strong right hand is filled with victory! In Jesus’ name, amen.


Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 91:1, 9, Psalm 75:7, Psalm 24:1, Psalm 103:2, Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 13:4, Philippians 4:6, Romans 8:31, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 5:12, Ephesians 1:18 NKJV, Proverbs 3:9, Matthew 6:13, Revelation 19:1,6, Psalm 68:28, Psalm 48:10


Today, I will trust God to:



© Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004.  Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189.  All rights reserved. ©2025 Windsor Village Church Family. All rights reserved — No reproduction of the material is permitted without the expressed permission of WVCF.

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