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Missions & Community Outreach 2024

Local Outreach

Helps meet the needs of the LOCAL community through special projects such school supply drives, Thanksgiving baskets, emergency relief aid in cases such as fires, catastrophic events such as the Allison Storm, feeding the homeless, visit the elderly, health screening to the poor and other areas of need. Contact Genniveive Brown at for more information.

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Global Missions

Provides Caring for the Nations by fulfilling the Great Commission in the form of missions teams that evangelize, equip, and empower other countries by sharing the love of Christ. Services include leadership training, teaching support for spiritual growth and development, food, clothing, medical and dental care, water wells, and more. Opportunities exist for various levels of involvement. Contact Genniveive Brown at for more information.

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Scroll below to view the latest pictures from KBC Kenya
KBC Kenya 2021

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