We begin and end our ride with prayer.
We encourage wearing a mask and riding at a minimum six (6) feet apart.
We want to make sure that everyone has a fun and safe time while riding. If you are a parent and plan on bringing your child that is under the age of 13, we will section off the parking lot of The KBC for them to safely ride in the area. We ask that you stay with your child or provide a guardian to watch over them.
There will be two different riding experiences:
Intermediate: Average distance of 4 – 6 miles with an average speed of 9 mph.
Advanced: Average distance of 8 miles with an average speed of 12 mph.
Common Questions
Covid-19 and Cycling?
The Coronavirus is a new challenge for all of us. As we learn to navigate the current environment together, we wanted to share a few items. With so much uncertainty and with details changing daily, it may seem challenging to find activities that keep us safe and healthy.
- COVID-19 virus does not spread through sweat. However, it does transfer through respiratory droplets, so if riding with others, keep your space.
- COVID-19 does not last very long on objects outside because of exposure to UV light. In general, objects outside should have little virus on them. But to be safe, continue to avoid touching community surfaces and wash hands frequently.
- Getting 30-60 minutes of moderate to brisk activity can help your immune system.
- Keep your workouts moderate to brisk. Your immune system can drop for hours after a long intense workout, so don’t overdo it right now.
Even though these are unusual times, we hope you continue to get outside with friends and family and enjoy our parks and paths. Cycling has always had many great benefits and it is encouraging to see that riding continues to be a healthy alternative to staying inside.
We highly encourage the wearing of masks during the ride.
“Face coverings do two possible things: They contain spread from the ill and prevent inhalation in the healthy,” Matt Ferrari Ph.D. says. “The degree to which they achieve these things is debated, but one thing is not: They are only really effective if used properly. And most people are not trained to use masks properly. Even taking a mask on and off incorrectly can be risky and increase your hand-to-mouth exposure.”
Wearing a Buff gaiter or other moisture-wicking face covering that covers both your mouth and nose while riding as well as maintaining at least a six-foot distance from others may help cut down on droplets being spread to others due to heavy breathing if you’re in an area where you may encounter others, David Nieman, Dr.PH. says.
“The purpose of the mask is not to protect you, but to protect other people from you,” Brian Labus, Ph.D., MPH says.
Helmets are required on EVERY ride. Wearing a helmet is a good proactive measure you can take to lessen the severity of a head injury in some crashes.
Lights in the Daytime?
We ask that every person riding with the adults have front and rear lights. It is a protective measure to ensure that every person is seen.
What is the ride route?
Most of the ride (intermediate & advanced) will be on back streets. There will be a certain distance of the ride where we will be riding down W. Orem Dr. to Hillcroft. It is important that we stay together for safety. Please listen for verbal cues.
Even the clothes you wear can help you prevent a crash. Avoid loose clothing that could catch in your bike’s chain and be sure shoes are tied well before taking off.
What happens if I get a flat on the ride?
With each ride, make sure that you have at least one (1) spare tube and a pump. Depending on the ride, we may have road side assistance.
Is there an age restriction?
We have two different riding ages. Our children under the age ???, may ride with the Children Ministry which is restricted to the parking lot of The KBC. If you are a minimum of 14 years old, you may participate in a structured group ride.
Currently we are not riding over 7 miles and we do not require participants to bring snacks (i.e. – protein bars, bananas, pickles, etc). We are asking that you make sure that you hydrate properly. Make sure you bring water (gatorade).
If you do not hydrate or eat before the ride, you may experience extreme fatigue.
I have never rode a bike before, can I join?
We are asking that you have some experience riding. At this time we are not giving instructions on riding.
Checklist before every ride?
Before you go on any ride, you should always check:
- Your tires have their correct air pressure. Make sure and go over your tires and ensure there are no major nicks or cuts in them.
- Check your brakes and ensure you have correct stopping power.
- Your chain should have adequate lubrication to ensure that it doesn’t break or comes off the crankset.

Beyond the basic motions above, some additional hand signals exist so that cyclists can communicate with each other individually or in group ride settings. There are hand movements to indicate:
- Road hazards ahead: point in the direction of the hazard and rotate your arm in circles.
- Loose gravel: point your arm down at a 45-degree angle and wiggle your fingers.
- Preparing to stop: hold a fist in the air.
These signals can vary, and they are a general courtesy to other riders, but they don’t necessarily apply to individuals traveling alone. What’s most important is nailing down the turning, slowing, and stopping motions mentioned earlier. However, whether you’re riding in a group or you’re out on your own, get in the habit of using hand signals to communicate your next move—it could be vital in preventing an accident.