Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for Mental Healing Scripture Reading: Psalm 8, Psalm 40:1-8 Reflections of the Heart: Today, we receive comfort in God’s Word, “Those who wait…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for Mental Healing Scripture Reading: Psalm 8, Psalm 40:1-8 Reflections of the Heart: Today, we receive comfort in God’s Word, “Those who wait…
Prayer Topic #6: A Prayer for People Who Need a Miracle Scripture Reading: Psalm 63:1-5, Acts 5:12-16 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever!…
Prayer Topic #5: A Declaration of Surrender to the Lord Scripture Reading: Isaiah 44:23-28, Isaiah 58:6-12 Reflections of the Heart: Today at 6:00 p.m., Day of Atonement…
Prayer Topic #4: A Prayer for the Day of Atonement Scripture Reading: Psalm 135, Hebrews 10:1-23 Reflections of the Heart: Sin cuts us off from God. It cuts us off from…
Prayer Topic #3: A Prayer of Forgiveness for Others Scripture Reading: Psalm 108:1-5, Matthew 18:21-35 Reflections of the Heart: It is impossible to live and not be hurt…
Prayer Topic #1: A Prayer for Justice and Righteousness in the United States Scripture Reading: Psalm 135:1-7, Isaiah 51:4-5,7-8 Reflections of the Heart: Our Lord is a God of justice! Blessed are all…
Prayer Topic #10: A Prayer of Preparation for the Day of Atonement Scripture Reading: I Samuel 2:1-2, Psalm 32:1-5 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus paid the price and bore…
Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer of Repentance and Self-Examination Scripture Reading: Psalm 98, Matthew 9:1-13 Reflections of the Heart: “Explore thyself. Herein are demanded the eye and the nerve.” ~…
Prayer Against Hurricane Ian Triumphant Father, thank You for hearing our prayers concerning Hurricane Ian. Thank You for reducing the power of this storm through Your Word and protecting the…
Prayer Topic #9: A Declaration of Kingdom Obedience Scripture Reading: Psalm 81:1-8, Deuteronomy 8 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commandments!” John 14:15 Scriptural Prayer:…