A Prayer Regarding Racism

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #5: A Prayer Regarding Racism in the United States   Scripture Reading: Psalms 34:1-22; Deuteronomy 10:17 Reflections of the Heart: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that…

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A Prayer of Healing

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Prayer Topic #4: A Prayer of Healing During Cold and Flu Season   Scripture Reading: Psalm 96, Isaiah 53:4-5   Reflections of the Heart: Although the world has declared that…

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A Prayer of Salvation

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Prayer Topic #2:  A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Salvation   Scripture Reading: Psalm 99, John 3:1-21   Reflections of the Heart: “The Blood of Jesus washes away our past and…

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A Prayer for Employment

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Prayer Topic #15:  A Prayer for People Looking for Employment   Scripture Reading: Psalm 47, Ezekiel 34:25-31   Reflections of the Heart: God knows exactly what His children stand in need…

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A Prayer for Healing

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #14: A Prayer for Healing and Deliverance from Cancer   Scripture Reading: Luke 1:47-55, Isaiah 53:4-5   Reflections of the Heart: As you pray for those who you know…

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