“THE X FACTOR!” Deuteronomy 33:11-16; Galatians 3:29 I. INTRODUCTION Some people will morph into many persons before they become the person God has already created them to be! Every believer…
“You’ve Got to BE HERE!!!” 1 Kings 19:19-21, 2 Kings 2:10 Proposition: For the men and women of Windsor Village and the Body of Christ that the double portion blessings…
“SEVEN (7) ESSENTIALS FOR HOSPITALITY!” Genesis 18:1-8 INTRODUCTION Straight up: today’s message is about H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L-I-T-Y! While today’s service-oriented companies are trying to corner the market on being known as the most hospitable “whatever,” it is worth…
“Don’t break down! BREAKTHROUGH!” Romans 5:1-5 INTRODUCTION HAPPY MLK DAY! The world is filled with hopelessness and despair! Life today offers us plenty of reasons to be hopeless! Prospects of…
“THEN…HE FLIPPED IT” Zechariah 4:7, 8:13 I. INTRODUCTION “It looks like it’s not - until it is!” The Lord specializes in turning stuff around, especially difficult, if not impossible,…
“LIFTING THE FOG!” Psalm 31:9-16 I. INTRODUCTION The fourth (October, November, and December) and first (January, February, and March) quarters of any calendar year tend to be times where we…
“BE IN IT TO WIN IT!” Genesis 32:22-31 INTRODUCTION The Lord is in the blessing business. It is His character to bless us. (Of course, we, in turn, should bless…
“YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!” Psalm 32:1-5 INTRODUCTION On June 13, 1966, the Supreme Court of the United States decided the landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona. The…
“My REAL Name!” Numbers 6:24-26; Revelation 2:17; 12:10, 11 INTRODUCTION God blesses us so regularly and routinely, some of the blessings are disguised and ignored. Let’s unearth one: God gives…
“HOW LONG? NOT LONG!” James 5:7-10 INTRODUCTION Today’s fast-paced global society has us wired to expect and receive things immediately! Whether it’s a Tweet, Facebook or Instagram post, or other…
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