“YOU CHOOSE!” Psalm 1 Introduction Psalm 1 provides believers with a very simple and straightforward Biblical model for living a joyful life. The psalmist states plainly but powerfully: a believer’s…
“BLESSINGS FROM THE BOTTOM!” I Kings 17:7-16; Psalm 23:4 Introduction Normally, when members of the Christian community think about and refer to miracles, we habitually assume they are eye-poppingly abundant…
“BLESSED BY HIS PRESENCE!” II Samuel 6:1-12 Introduction The significance of God’s presence in the midst of our lives today has been lost. The dynamics, “devilment” and drama of the…
“DESPERATE FOR DELIVERANCE!” Matthew 15:21-28 INTRODUCTION In her book Praying To Change Your Life, Pastor Suzette T. Caldwell defines prayer as “a tool that allows us to communicate with God…
“YOUR PRAYER LIFE!” Exodus 32:7-14 Introduction Has the enemy tried to convince you that prayer is a waste of your time? Prayer is ineffective? Prayer is not important? Have you…
“THE REAL NFL!” 1 John 5:1, 4 INTRODUCTION Happy Super Bowl Sunday! After 256 games, 16 games during a 17-week period, the Wild Card, Divisional, and Conference Championships rounds, only…
“THE VOICE OF PERPETUAL PRAISE!” Psalm 34:1-8 INTRODUCTION As we continue moving into this new Gregorian calendar year, you can expect to hear people make (and break) New Year’s resolutions. …
“GOSSIPING THE GOSPEL” Romans 1:16-17 INTRODUCTION Have you heard the latest gossip? There is no shortage of gossip today. News (and misinformation) goes viral like a global outbreak infection. Instantly,…
“Is the DREAM a Nightmare?” Luke 4:14-22; 28-29 INTRODUCTION Where Do We Go From Here: Community or Chaos? should be on every person’s bookshelf, especially African-Americans. This book was…
“WHY PRAY?” Luke 18:1b INTRODUCTION The power and authority to have a blessed 2019 is in your hands. The Lord God Almighty has already put it there. Choose it and…
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