The key to living a fruitful life lies in remaining connected to Jesus. He reminds us in John 15:4, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” It’s a simple truth with profound implications: without Jesus, we cannot bear fruit.
When we abide in Him, something extraordinary happens—His joy fills us, and that joy overflows into every area of our lives. Imagine the impact of living with joy that isn’t fleeting but abundant, unshakable, and rooted in Him. This kind of overflow isn’t just for our benefit; it’s meant to spill into the lives of others, reflecting God’s goodness and drawing them closer to Him.
Fruitfulness Moves God
Fruitfulness isn’t just about personal achievement; it’s about fulfilling the assignment God has given us. When we bear fruit, it brings glory to God because we’re living in alignment with His will. Jesus said, “I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do” (John 17:4 NLT).
What is the work God has called you to complete? It might be serving your family, building a business, mentoring others, or simply living in a way that reflects Jesus. Whatever it is, know that your fruitfulness moves God’s heart. It’s not about striving in your strength but staying connected to Him so that His power flows through you.
Praying for the Overflow
In John 17, Jesus gives us a glimpse into His intimate prayers for those God entrusted to Him. He didn’t pray for the world at large but specifically for His followers, saying, “I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one.” (John 17:15 NLT).
This is a prayer we need to echo daily. Life can be overwhelming, and the temptation to retreat from the challenges of the world is real. Yet, Jesus prayed for us to remain in the world, protected and empowered to carry out His mission. We need that same protection and strength to live in the overflow of His love and joy, shining as lights in a dark world.
Glorifying God Through Overflow
When God glorifies us, it’s never about elevating us for our sake. It’s always about reflecting that glory back to Him. As we live out our faith, completing the work He’s assigned to us, the world sees His hand at work. Our lives become a testimony that Jesus is the way and that the Father sent Him.
May your life be so full of His love and power that it overflows into the lives of everyone around you, pointing them back to the source—Jesus Christ.