Prayer Topic #13: A Prayer for People Overcoming the Death of a Loved One Scripture Reading: Psalm 46:1-7, John 11:1-26 Reflections of the Heart: If you want to…
Prayer Topic #11: A Prayer for Physical Healing and Deliverance Scripture Reading: Psalm 115, John 5:1-11 Reflections of the Heart: We are made in the image of God….
Prayer Topic #10: A Prayer for People Who Need a Miracle Scripture Reading: Psalm 63:1-5, Acts 5:12-16 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and…
Prayer Topic #9: A Prayer for Incarcerated Youth and Adults Scripture Reading: Psalm 9:1-10, Genesis 39 Reflections of the Heart: “So now there is no condemnation for those…
Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer for Women and Girls Scripture Reading: I Samuel 2:1-10, Colossians 1:9-14 Reflections of the Heart: Women are God’s woven tapestry. God loves women so much…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for Men and Boys Scripture Reading: Daniel 6:25-27, II Kings 18:1-7 Reflections of the Heart: God loves men and He wired them for…
Prayer Topic #6: A Prayer for Our Single Parents Scripture Reading: I Samuel 2:1-2, Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Reflections of the Heart: What a joy it is to be a parent!…
Prayer Topic #4: A Prayer for Mental Healing Scripture Reading: Psalm 8, Psalm 40:1-8 Reflections of the Heart: Today, we receive comfort in God’s Word, “Those who wait on…
Prayer Topic #3: A Declaration of Love Scripture Reading: Psalm 113, Matthew 22:35-40, John 15:9-12 Reflections of the Heart: The fruit of the Spirit is Love. Only as we live…
Prayer Topic #2: A Prayer for Houston Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Personnel Scripture Reading: Psalm 48:1-8, Romans 13:1-7 Reflections of the Heart: First responders consistently risk their…