A Feast of Trumpets Prayer

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Prayer Topic #7: A Feast of Trumpets Prayer Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 16:19-21, Colossians 1:15-23 Reflections of the Heart: The Feast of Trumpets initiates the beginning of the Father’s Cycle of Redemption…

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A Declaration of Praise

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #6: A Declaration of Kingdom Praise and Worship   Scripture Reading: Psalm 147, Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Reflections of the Heart: Our God is an awesome God.  He is kind, tenderhearted, and…

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A Prayer of Preparation

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Prayer Topic #5:  A Prayer of Preparation for Our Church Family Fast   Scripture Reading: Psalm 117, Isaiah 58 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus said, “And when you fast, don’t make…

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A Prayer of Love

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #15: A Prayer of Love for God and Our Neighbor   Scripture Reading: Psalm 93, I Corinthian 13 Reflections of the Heart: The greatest gift given by God…

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