Prayer Topic #5: A Declaration of Surrender to the Lord Scripture Reading: Isaiah 44:23-28, Isaiah 58:6-12 Reflections of the Heart: Today at 6:00 p.m., Day of Atonement…
Prayer Topic #4: A Prayer for the Day of Atonement Scripture Reading: Psalm 135, Hebrews 10:1-23 Reflections of the Heart: Sin cuts us off from God. It cuts us off from…
Prayer Topic #3: A Prayer of Forgiveness for Others Scripture Reading: Psalm 108:1-5, Matthew 18:21-35 Reflections of the Heart: It is impossible to live and not be hurt…
Prayer Topic #1: A Prayer for Justice and Righteousness in the United States Scripture Reading: Psalm 135:1-7, Isaiah 51:4-5,7-8 Reflections of the Heart: Our Lord is a God of justice! Blessed are all…
Prayer Topic #10: A Prayer of Preparation for the Day of Atonement Scripture Reading: I Samuel 2:1-2, Psalm 32:1-5 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus paid the price and bore…
Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer of Repentance and Self-Examination Scripture Reading: Psalm 98, Matthew 9:1-13 Reflections of the Heart: “Explore thyself. Herein are demanded the eye and the nerve.” ~…
Prayer Topic #9: A Declaration of Kingdom Obedience Scripture Reading: Psalm 81:1-8, Deuteronomy 8 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commandments!” John 14:15 Scriptural Prayer:…
Prayer Topic #6: A Prayer for the Feasts of Trumpets Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 16:19-21, Colossians 1:15-23 Reflections of the Heart: The Feast of Trumpets initiates the beginning of the Father’s Cycle…
Prayer Topic #17: A Prayer for People Who Are Homeless Scripture Reading: Psalm 126, Matthew 25:34-40 Reflections of the Heart: The majority of us will never know what it is like…
Prayer Topic #16: A Declaration of Kingdom Prayer and Faith Scripture Reading: Psalm 145; Mark 11:22-24 Reflections of the Heart: Faith and prayer are the vitamins of…
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