Prayer Topic #14: A Prayer for President Donald Trump, the Administration and Congress Scripture Reading: Psalm 50:1-6, I Timothy 2:1-6 Reflections of the Heart: “A great leader’s courage to fulfill…
Prayer Topic #13: A Prayer for the United States Economy Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:24-34, Proverbs 2:1-15 Reflections of the Heart: The currency we use in America is marked with…
Prayer Topic #12: A Prayer for People Looking for Employment Scripture Reading: Psalm 47, Ezekiel 34:25-31 Reflections of the Heart: God knows exactly what His children stand in need of. His…
Prayer Topic #11: A Prayer for the Educational System in the Greater Houston Area Scripture Reading: Psalms 92:1-8, Romans 12:6-7, James 3:1-12, 17-18 Reflections of the Heart: Aside from…
Prayer Topic #10 A Prayer for Mental Healing Scripture Reading: Psalm 8, Psalm 40:1-8 Reflections of the Heart: We receive comfort in these words, “Those who wait on the…
Prayer Topic #9 A Prayer for Healing and Deliverance from Cancer Scripture Reading: Luke 1:47-55, Isaiah 53:4-5 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever!…
Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer Concerning Overcoming Addictions Scripture Reading: I Chronicles 16:23-30, Romans 7:14-25, 8:1 Reflections of the Heart: Sometimes, we experience things in life that grip us…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for Families in Distress Scripture Reading: Psalm 145:1-13, Ephesians 5:15-33, 6:1-4 Reflections of the Heart: Families come in a variety of sizes and dynamics. …
Prayer Topic #6: A Declaration of Kingdom Financial Prosperity Scripture Reading: Psalm 113, Deuteronomy 6:10-25 Reflections of the Heart: “As a king of the King, I will make choices…
Prayer Topic #5: A Prayer Regarding Poverty Scripture Reading: Psalm 81:1-10, James 2:1-12 Reflections of the Heart: “I believe that as long as there is plenty, poverty is evil.” ~…
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