A Prayer for The KBC

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Prayer Topic #5:   A Prayer of Thanksgiving for The Kingdom Builders’ Center (KBC)   Scripture Readings: Isaiah 12, II Chronicles 6:14-42   Reflections of the Heart: What a mighty…

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A Spring Feasts Prayer

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Prayer Topic #1: A Spring Feasts Preparation Prayer   Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 9:5-15, Exodus 12:1-20 Reflections of the Heart: As we prepare for the Spring Feasts, let us treasure the…

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A Prayer for Employment

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #13:  A Prayer for People Looking for Employment Scripture Reading: Psalm 47, Ezekiel 34:25-31 Reflections of the Heart: God knows exactly what His children stand in need of.  His…

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A Prayer Happy Marriages

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #11: A Prayer for Healthy, Happy Marriages in Our Windsor Village Church Family Scripture Reading: Psalm 98, Genesis 2:15-25 Reflections of the Heart: Marriage is not just a…

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