A Thanksgiving Day Prayer

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #16: A Thanksgiving Day Prayer Scripture Reading: Psalm 136:1-9, Ephesians 5:15-20 Reflections of the Heart: How thankful are you?  Have you expressed your thankfulness to the Lord by telling Him…

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A Prayer of Appreciation

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #9: A Prayer of Appreciation for the Beauty of God’s Creation Scripture Reading: Psalm 148, Psalm 19:1-6 Reflections of the Heart: “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places…

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A Prayer of Thanksgiving

By Prayer

Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Jesus Christ Scripture Reading: Psalm 138:1-6, Hebrews 1 Reflections of the Heart: Many people will go a lifetime searching for “true love.” …

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A Declaration of Success

By Prayer

Prayer Topic: A Declaration of Success for the Students and Teachers   Scripture Reading: Psalm 93, Proverbs 2:1-15   Reflections of the Heart: “The strength of the United States is…

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