“THE UMBRELLA BLESSING!” Deuteronomy 28:2; Genesis 12:2, 3; Numbers 6:24-26 INTRODUCTION The blessing of God is likened to an umbrella. Umbrellas do not change the forecast. Umbrellas do not prevent…
“THROUGH THE FIRE!” 1 Peter 4:12-16 INTRODUCTION The National Fire Protection Association reports that fire departments respond to a fire every 24 seconds! Think about it! That’s the length of…
“SEE GOD, NOT ghosts!” Matthew 14:22-27 INTRODUCTION After suffering a 33-0 loss to the New England Patriots on Monday Night Football on October 21, New York Jets’ starting quarterback, Sam Darnold, confessed,…
“PUT ME ON YOUR PRAISE REPORT TOO!” Psalm 27:1 INTRODUCTION Today’s message is very straightforward and simple: The Lord God Almighty is your Light, Deliverer and Fortress, period! Of course, Yahweh (The…
“HOW TO USE MY SPIRITUAL GIFT” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1-7 “Now concerning gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. Now, dear brothers and sisters, regarding your question about…
PUTTING YOUR LIFE IN CHRIST IN GOD’S PERSPECTIVE Philippians 1:1-11 INTRODUCTION Often, as believers, we forget who we are in Christ (millions of believers just don’t know). In the…
“DO THE NEW YOU!” INTRODUCTION One morning, while sipping on a cup of tea, Oliver Wendell Holmes is reputed to have said: There are three you’s. There is…
“PRIORITIZE YOUR PRAISE!” Psalm 146 INTRODUCTION L’Shanah Tovah!!! Happy Feast of Trumpets and New Year! You’re probably wondering, it’s not January 1! And you’re absolutely right!!! No, it’s not the…
IT’S AN INSIDE JOB! INTRODUCTION We live in two (2) worlds: the invisible and spiritual world AND the visible and physical world. The invisible and spiritual world influences the visible and physical world. …
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