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“Triumphant Through Trouble!”

Exodus 17:8-16


It would be an understatement to say that we’re living in troubling and uncertain times.  It has also been said that a Believer’s life is either in 1 of 3 phases:  1) headed into trouble; 2) in trouble; or 3) coming out of trouble.  In fact, life’s circumstances can be so confusing and disorienting at times that we may be clueless to comprehend which phase we’re in!  Yet, Jesus Christ Himself said, “In this world, you will have trouble, but be of good cheer because I’VE OVERCOME THE WORLD.”  That means we cannot exercise or benefit from trouble-free exemptions!  In other words, it’s not a matter of “if” trouble comes.  Rather, it’s a matter of “when” trouble comes!

Trouble can also be a necessary part of God’s plan for our lives!  While it’s not God’s intentional will that we have trouble, God’s circumstantial will allows trouble to come!  Our physical, spiritual, and emotional postures when we experience trouble are critical!  The postures we choose can either lead to more tumult and turmoil or to triumph!  Jesus Christ has already secured our VICTORY!  That means, we’re in a fixed fight!  Tonight’s lesson is simple!  It is a word of encouragement!  Tonight, the Lord wants to share with you seven spiritual and practical strategies to keep in our spiritual arsenals when we find ourselves in trouble!  No matter what life’s scoreboard might read, remember, God wants us to know we will be Triumphant Through Trouble! 

II. SEQUESTER SHALOM!                    v. 8
IV. STEADFASTLY STAND!                  v. 9
V. STICK TO THE STRATEGY!            v. 10
VI. STRONGLY SUPPORT!                   v. 11 
VII.   SECURELY SIT!                             v. 12
VIII.  SIGN OFF!                                    vv. 14-16

Military personnel can attest to this fact.  The last thing you want to discover when you find yourself in a fight is to be unprepared.  Therefore, all branches of the military require basic training and event simulations to ensure preparedness and readiness.  We cannot afford to be ill-equipped or ill-prepared because trouble doesn’t always fire a warning shot or sound an alarm!  Christians need to understand we will have trouble and have battles to fight but we need to remember God provides us strategies for securing our VICTORY!  The main thing we need to remember is God is with us!


Presenter:   Pastor Mark C. Grafenreed                                                                            May 6, 2020

© 2020 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved – No production of this material is permitted without expressed written permission of CMI

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