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James 1:2-4


Let’s be honest!  2020 looks absolutely nothing like what many of us had hoped and dreamt!!!  In fact, COVID-19, racial injustice, police brutality, petty politics, the post-Presidential election fallout, and natural disasters have either blurred our vision or left us completely blinded!  2020 has been like no other year we’ve experienced in recent history.  It’s been filled with turmoil, trials, tests, tribulations, toxicity, and more!  When we think of all we’ve been through, joy probably isn’t the first emotion that comes to mind when reflecting on the year that has been. However, joy is exactly what God expects us to have when we face the trials of life!  Jesus even warned us, “In this world you will have trouble. But be of good cheer! I have overcome the world!”

Despite Jesus’s exhortation, 2020 caught many of us unprepared, and it has been traumatic!  Trauma is an unforeseen event or circumstance that occurs in one’s life for which one has no plan!  There are no warnings, alerts, advisories, or new flashes!  Life just happened!  Also, there are no “Cliff’s Notes” or “study guides” we could read to help prepare us for what we’ve faced! Tonight’s teaching presentation focuses on what to do when life hands you a “Pop Quiz!”

II. COUNT!                                      
  1. This is not Count von Count from Sesame Street!
  2. Hegeomai (Gk. – count) – the leading thought; coming first in priority. v. 2
  3. The joy of the Lord is our strength!        Nehemiah 8:10
  4. Joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit!              Galatians 5:22-23
  1. The Holy Spirit helps us overcome carnality!               Luke 4:1-2
  2. You plus God equals the majority!           Romans 8:31, 37-39
  3. We participate in Christ’s divinity through trials!        1 Peter 4:12-13
  4. You can’t win running away!                                     Isaiah 50:7
IV. COMPOSE!                                                           
  1. What is your EQ (Emotional Quotient)?        Matthew 26:31
  2. Solidly stand!                                                        Ephesians 6:13
  3. Stay cool, calm, and collected!                          Matthew 27:13-14
  4. Declare the Liberator’s Prayer!                        Dr. Earl Allen, Sr.
  1. Trials have a perfecting quality!                      v. 4
  2. Christ completes us!                                          Colossians 2:9-10
  3. God’s grace is all we need!                              2 Corinthians 9:8
  4. Teleios (Gk. – patience) and holokleros (Gk. – complete)

 When, not if we go through trials, we will learn about ourselves, others, and the God we serve! One thing is certain, you “should be” a better person, spouse, parent, co-worker, friend, neighbor, and most of all, Believer, as a result of these tests!  Perhaps, the reason many of us keep repeating the same tests is because our faith is flimsy, or our patience has plummeted.  This is precisely why we must go from faith to faith and glory to glory!  God’s grace is always available to us come what may!  Remain patient during the process as you fortify your faith, knowing that completeness is the conclusion!!  

Presenter:   Pastor Mark C. Grafenreed                                                                      December 23, 2020

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