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“Free to Worship!”

2 Samuel 6:14-22


Have you ever wondered why God created you?  If you’re honest, our first inclinations might be to consider of your professional careers, personal goals, educational or entrepreneurial expectations, or spheres of influence.  Fewer of us would think that we were created for worship and praise of God!  Isaiah 43:21 says, “This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise.”  Scripture also stresses the importance of regular worship to God, while recognizing that Believers may worship God spontaneously at the same time.  Psalm 96:9 reminds us, “Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!  Tremble before Him, all the earth.”  The word “worship” appears in the Bible more than 500 times and we are commanded to worship more than 8,629 times.  “Praise” appears 543 times and both are undisputed themes throughout the Bible.

Why praise?  We praise God for what God has done!  Why worship?  We worship God for who God is!  This is precisely what we have praise and worship!  God deserves our praises because God has done so much for us, more than we can ever ask or think or remember!  The song says, “If He doesn’t do anything else, He’s already done more than enough!”  Worship, on the other hand, is due God alone!  Unfortunately, too many other people and things get our praise and worship undeservedly.  Tonight’s teaching presentation focuses on uncovering what impedes and interferes with our authentic praise and worship of God!  We want to remove all the layers, like David did, that get in the way of our ability to be “Free to Worship!”

II. UNAIDED                                           Psalm 100:4
III.  UNAMBIGUOUS                           Psalm 115:1
IV. UNIHIBITED                                    Hebrews 12:1-2
V. UNDISTURBED                                 Psalm 96:7-9
VI. UNAPOLOGETIC                             Joshua 24:15
VII.   UNPARALLELED                        Isaiah 38:18-19; 2 Corinthians 3:17
VIII.  UNDIGNIFIED                             vv. 21-22

It can be hard to praise and worship God from painful places.  Yet, our situations and circumstances should never dictate whether we praise and worship the Lord!  Rather, we should let our praises and worship dictate to our situations and circumstances!  Praising and worshipping God takes the focus off our circumstances and us and rightfully places it upon God!  Don’t be a praise or prostitute pimp or a wallowing or wimpy worshipper!  In other words, if God does not do another thing for us, He has already done more than enough to deserve our praise and worship!  Therefore, if we have breath in our bodies, fix our minds on praising and worshipping God!

© 2020 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved – No production of this material is permitted without expressed written permission of CMI

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