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“For Whom Did You Vote?”

Mark 3:23-27


Every morning you wake up, God votes for you; satan votes against you; and you must cast the deciding vote!  Every morning!  For whom did you vote this morning?!

It’s okay to vote for yourself.  In fact, it is Biblical to vote for yourself or love yourself!

You are not living a Biblical life or lifestyle if you do NOT love yourself.  Let Mark 12:31 become a part of your DNA.

Tonight’s message focuses on how to vote for yourself and the Kingdom.  The message will also reveal what followers of Jesus can learn from both satan and the kingdom of darkness.


Legal specialists from Jerusalem knew Jesus had the power to expel demons, so an advance team, of sorts, decided to investigate Jesus’ miracles. This designated envoy reflected the critical attention of the Sanhedrin.  Spurred by ignorance and jealousy, the scribes hurled two (2) accusations against Jesus.  The accusations were ugly and borderline blasphemy.

  1. Jesus was demon-possessed.
  2. Jesus casts out demons through collusion with the prince of demons, Beelzebub.
  3. How did Jesus respond?
  1. Satan does not attack himself.
  2. There are no civil wars in the kingdom of darkness.
  3. Satan does not engage in spiritual suicides.
  4. Divided “houses” cannot stand or succeed.
  1. The strong man enslaves persons through sin, death, disease, despair, disruption, etc.
  2. The strong man is not Jesus’ equal. Jesus: a) broke into the strong man’s house; b) tied up the strong man; and c) took his assets from his house.
  3. The heart of Jesus’ mission is to confront satan and crush him in all aspects.
  4. Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is the Champion of God in the battles with satan.


  1. In order to gain the victory, you must overcome the strong man. There is no victory without overcoming.
  2. In order to overcome the strong man, you must uncover the wickedness and chaos hidden in the darkness.
  3. In order to overcome the hidden wickedness and chaos that are operating behind the scenes in the dark, you must understand the powers that represent and sustain the strong man.
VI. HOW THE HIERARCHY WORKS Colossians 1:16, 17; Ephesians 6:12
    1. Principalities Daniel 10:12, 13, 20, 21
    2. Principalities comes from the Greek word “archias.” Archias is used to signify a first rule or a first principle.   Matthew 12:24
    3. Principalities are the highest of the rankings in the enemy’s domain. They have the power to influence the affairs of nations and kingdoms and to resist God’s purposes concerning those nations and kingdoms.
    4. Principalities incite kings and rulers to pass wicked and unrighteous laws, most of which contravene the laws of Almighty God.
    5. Powers
    6. Powers is the second level of authority in satan’s kingdom.
    7. They exert their influences over the decision-making of a nation, influencing the structures of all the governing authorities and promoting wickedness and injustice.
    8. Powers influence the thoughts and feelings of human beings. They can influence people to kill, steal and indulge in all manner of destructive deeds.
    9. Rulers of Darkness
    10. The word used in original Greek is “kosmokrateros,” which means world rulers. The word “kosmos” denotes order or arrangement; whereas the word “kratos” has to do with rare power.
    11. The rulers of darkness are mandated by the devil to promote false religions and occult practices.
    12. This is the force behind terrorist groups. Rulers of darkness are the Navy Seals and snipers of satan’s hierarchy.
    13. Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness
    14. This wickedness, poneros, is used to depict something that is bad, vile, vicious and malignant. These are evil spirits, personalities who host the embodiment of evil.  They cause calamity.
    15. They appear as angels of light, and, by their deception, draw souls into their nets of destruction.
    16. Spiritual wickedness is responsible for accidents, premature deaths, suicides, etc.

Sources: The New International Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel of Mark by William L. Lane; Praying Strategic Prayers by Archbishop N. Duncan-Williams

© 2020 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved – No production of this material is permitted without expressed written permission of CMI

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