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Deuteronomy 28:2; Genesis 12:2, 3; Numbers 6:24-26


The blessing of God is likened to an umbrella. Umbrellas do not change the forecast. Umbrellas do not prevent rain.  Umbrellas may not keep you from getting wet.  Umbrellas can, however, provide a layer of protection from the elements.

Life can rain pain for sure.  The umbrella of blessing may not mean you will sidestep sickness.  No. It does not.  Failure?  Nope. How about suffering?  No way. As a Christian, however, how can you expect to be conformed to the likeness of Christ without being betrayed by Judas, criticized by Pharisees, or tempted by the devil himself?  In other words, elements can be used by God as a blessing in disguise.

What is an umbrella blessing?  It’s an extra measure of grace that supports you, especially when you don’t know how you will make it.  It’s that peace that surpasses understanding when life doesn’t make sense.  It’s unspeakable joy when you think you have reached the end of your rope.  The blessing of The Lord provides a covering, an extra level of protection against the elements.

The Lord has postured Himself to bless you!  You should position yourself to be blessed!     Stay under the umbrella!  Get under what God has provided so you can walk over what the enemy produces! 

“I do not play the character.  I BECOME the character.”    ~ Denzel Washington

  • Practically speaking, a blessing is:
  1. God’s solution to your problem;
  2. God’s answer to your prayer;
  3. God’s fulfillment of your God-given dream; or
  4. God imparting a portion of His character or competencies to humans.
  • Your blessing can be tangible or intangible, timely or timeless. God’s blessing is offered “to whosoever will” but your blessing is as unique as your fingerprint.
  1. God’s promises are the same today as yesterday. Hebrews 13:8
  2. God’s spiritual blessings are yours.    Ephesians 1:3
  3. God’s promises are still “Yes and Amen.”    2 Corinthians 1:20
  4. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ update and upgrade the covenant of blessing.
  1. If you are in Christ, you are under God’s covering, His Umbrella.  Celebrate that every day!
  2. Obey what God says. Obey comes from the Latin word “obedire,” which means “to give ear.”  Turn up His volume while you are under the umbrella!
  3. The blessings pronounced from Mount Gerizim (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) over 5,000 miles away over 3,400 years ago are still valid.   Jeremiah 1:12
  4. The Lord will strengthen you beneath His umbrella!   2 Chronicles 16:9
  5. The Hound of Heaven will “hunt you up”!   Psalm 23:6
  6. The mercies of God (a blessing!) are new and “different” every morning!  Lamentations 3:22, 23
  1. The original blessing: Genesis 1:28
  2. The Jesus’ blessing:   Luke 24:50
  3. The ultimate (earthly) blessing:  Revelation 22:14

Source:  Double Blessings by Mark Batterson

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