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Psalm 96


E.R. Shipp writes: After having been kidnapped from their villages in what is now called Angola, forced onto a Portuguese slave ship bound for what Europe called The New World, and stolen from that ship by English pirates in a confrontation off the coast of Mexico, some “20 odd Negroes” landed at Port Comfort in 1619 in the English settlement that would become Virginia.

The arrival of the African slaves in 1619 has been called the beginning of slavery in America (although it is actually more complicated than that). Accordingly then, this year, 2019, marks the 400th year anniversary of people of African ancestry on American soil.

We cannot change the past 400 years, weeks or minutes.  We can, however, influence the next 400 years, weeks or minutes. Our words impact our worship and work. Our worship and work, in turn, impact our worlds.  So, if you want to impact or change your world, then change your words.  (You know that!)

The Book Of Psalms is a world changer!  The enemy does not want believers to know that reality. The original intent and use of Psalms were not to praise God only – although that would have been enough!  The original intent and use of Psalms was also to deploy God’s social power into our world.  In other words, our praise is intended to be both horizontal and vertical.

Today, The Holy Spirit will empower you to change both your world and impact the world with God’s Word.   Your words —> your worship —> your work —> your world!

THREE D PRAISE IN                                                                vv1, 2

1. Praise is your duty.                    Psalm 103:1
It is inappropriate for you to not praise The Lord.

2. Praise is your delight.               Psalm 37:4
You should literally enjoy praising The Lord.

3. Praise is your desire.                Psalm 135:18; 22:3
You become like the object of your praise.

THREE D PRAISE UP                                                              v1, 2
  1. Praise The Lord for what He has done in your life. The past
  2. Praise The Lord for what He is doing in your life. The present
  3. Praise The Lord for what He will do in your life. The future
THREE D PRAISE OUT                                                            v 2
  1. God blesses you: a blessing is an intentional, deliberate act that proposes to enhance the receiver’s life in its material dimension. Walter Brueggemann
  2. People bless one another: a Godly person speaks a blessing upon another, it is not a “wish.”   Instead, the utterance literally generates, assures and bestows a blessing.
  3. You bless God: you cannot enhance The Lord’s life. Neither can you generate a blessing for The Lord.  After all, He, Himself, is The Blessor!   When you bless God, you are telling Him: Thanks!
THREE D PRAISE OVER                                               vv 3-5, 13
  1. Praise glorifies The Lord!
  2. Praise de-glorifies the enemy!
  3. Praise codifies both your world and the world!
CONCLUSION                                Philippians 3:3; Luke 10:21

When our Three D praise goes “In, Up, Out and Over,” we give The Holy Spirit the spiritual ammunition which He can use to work on our behalf.  We cannot give The Lord the praise He deserves without The Holy Spirit.  When we depend upon our flesh (only) to praise The Lord, our praise will be lackluster at best.  In fact, when you depend upon your flesh to praise The Lord, you may not praise Him at all!

Source: Israel’s Praises by Walter Brueggemann; and Reverberations of Faith by Walter Brueggemann

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