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Resurrection Sunday


Matthew 28:1-9


Bless The Lord!  You are reading the first sermon notes which accompany a sermon via virtual worship.  Basically, life can be viewed and pursued from two (2) fundamental perspectives. One of the perspectives looks like this: a) optimism; b) hope; c) faith; and d) the power of God’s resurrection.  The other perspective looks like this: a) pessimism; b) despair; c) doubt; and d) weakness.  Your adversary relishes the thought of your viewing and pursuing life through the lens of the latter perspective, not the former.

Jesus Christ, on the other hand, came, died and was resurrected so His followers  could, among other things, view, pursue and live life from the foundation of resurrection power.  The resurrection power is practical, concrete and penetrating.  N. T. Wright, in his book, Simply Jesus, reminds us: “The resurrection of Jesus doesn’t mean, so there is life after death. Well, there is life after death, but resurrection is so much more than that.”

The resurrection represents the beginning of God’s new world, the beginning of the Kingdom and God’s new culture.  In fact, the primary purpose of this message is to demonstrate, generally, the practicality of God’s resurrection power and show, specifically, how God’s resurrection power adds value to your life.

II. PERCEIVE THE MIRACLE OF RESURRECTION.                   I Corinthians 6:14         
  1. As a person thinks so (s)he is. (Proverbs 23:7) How you perceive life helps determine your quality of life.
  2. When you perceive life through the lens of Jesus’ resurrection, your life is catapulted to another dimension.  The resurrection is an undisputed miracle.
  3. Know (perceive) that God raised both Jesus and you by His resurrection power! The cross makes the difference!
  4. Know (perceive) that God’s resurrection power is higher and greater than whatever you face.  You can perceive it like that or not.
III. BELIEVE THE RESURRECTION MINDSET.                                 Colossians 3:1-3                                                           
  1. When the angel rolled away the stone and sat on it, the “old” was distinguished from the “new.” When Mary Magdalene and the other Mary arrived at the tomb, their mindset changed.
  2. When The Lord gives you a mind which focuses on Kingdom values, you must believe you have it.
  3. When you believe with a resurrected mindset, you distinguish yourself from the “world.”
  4. Believe in your God-given resurrection mindset!
IV. RECEIVE THE NEW MERCIES.                                                          Acts 3:26
  1. The male disciples were not present at the empty tomb.  Mary Magdalene and the other Mary appeared at the empty tomb to prepare Jesus’ body in spite of the fact that Jesus told them He would rise on the third day.
  2. While Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were attentive, they were disobedient to The Lord. They did not believe The Lord’s Word about His own resurrection.
  3. We need The Lord’s mercies.
  4. We cannot perceive and believe in the spirit of The Lord’s resurrection without receiving The Lord’s mercies.
  5. God sent His Son to bless you and forgive your iniquities.
V. ACHIEVE THE “NEW ME!” Acts 4:10
  1. When the women appeared at the empty tomb, an angel appeared and told them to go spread the Word of His resurrection in Galilee.
  2. While the two Marys were on their way, Jesus appeared to them while they were on their way.  He told them to: “Rejoice!”
  3. His “Rejoice” represented the “new me”!  The women became “new” because they had both experienced Jesus’ resurrection, AND He appeared to them on the way to Galilee.
  4. The power of the resurrection makes us new and whole! When the power of The Lord’s resurrection is in you, you become transformed!

© 2020 Caldwell Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved – No production of this material is permitted without expressed written permission of CMI

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