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Acts 1:1-11


On October 12, 2011, Apple, Inc. launched a cloud storage and cloud computing service called iCloud.  The purpose of “the cloud” is to enable users to store data like documents, photos, music, and more on remote servers.  Users are then able to access, download, manage, share, and send data to other users even if their Apple device is lost or stolen.  Another iCloud feature is that it frees up storage space on your mobile device.  The iCloud feature, which is built into every Apple device, works automatically and customarily comes with 5GB of free storage.  As of 2018, there are an estimated 850 million iCloud users, which is up from the more than 782 million users in 2016.  Apple’s iCloud innovation has sparked other internet and mobile phone carriers to offer similar services and features.

Today is Ascension Sunday!  That means, we are one week away from the culmination of the Spring Feast season:  Pentecost and celebrating the presence of The Holy Spirit!  Having completed his earthly mission, it was mandatory that Jesus Christ ascend!  Otherwise, the Resurrection for the remission of our and the world’s sins would have been incomplete!  During His 40-day, post-Resurrection “holding pattern,” Jesus gave the disciples several final instructions.  Jesus wanted to ensure that we’d stored everything He taught us in “the cloud!”  Long before Apple’s innovation, a cloud took our risen Savior home to His Heavenly throne!  Today’s teaching/preaching presentation examines the capacity of our hearts and minds to not only store information (God’s Word), but also steadfastly “live out” the same.  Today, let’s check what’s in “The iCloud!”

COMMANDMENTS ARE IN “THE CLOUD!”                        
  1. Commands are mandates, not aspirations!                  Deuteronomy 27:9-10
  2. Jesus never spoke on His own authority!                                   2; John 12:49
  3. Knowing and keeping God’s commands reflect our love!     4; John 14:21, 23
  1. Rainbows in the clouds are covenantal promises!          Genesis 9:13-14, 16
  2. God manifested His presence in the cloud!    Exodus 13:21-22
  3. God established Christ’s genealogy in the cloud!       Psalm 89:35-37
COMMISSIONED FROM “THE CLOUD!”                      8               
  1. God has chosen you!      Romans 8:29-30
  2. God has empowered you!                    Luke 10:19-20
  3. God has sent you!                            8; Matthew 28:18-20
CLUTTER IN “THE CLOUD!”                    
  1. What are you storing in your cloud?                                             Matthew 6:19-21
  2. What and who needs to be removed from your cloud?                Hebrews 12:1-2
  3. Is your mindset a cloud?                                                                  6; James 1:5-8

Colossians 3:1-2 reminds us, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”  Ascension Sunday is critical in the life of Christians because Jesus Christ concluded His earthly mission by taking a seat!  Jesus arrived back to His home riding on a cloud. Likewise, God is calling us to rise and soar to new dimensions for the Kingdom’s sake.  But, how much of your iCloud storage is reserved for the things of God?  Conversely, how much is reserved for ungodly things?  Let’s trust the Holy Spirit to help us ensure that we are using our iCloud storage for Kingdom downloads!


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If you would like the Word Version of the sermon notes, click HERE.

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