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Luke 17:11-19


 One of the worst human emotions a person can experience is being taken for granted!  To take another person or thing for granted is to give little attention to or to underestimate the value.  Stated differently, being taken for granted is the blatant or inadvertent disregard or outright failure to acknowledge or appreciate someone or something.  Some of the “tell-tale” signs of being taken for granted include:  1) when a person treats others better than they treat you; 2) the other person never seeks or respects your advice; 3) they do not listen to or attempt to meet your physical and emotional needs; 4) they do not ever consider your feelings; and 5) you are not their top priority.  Obviously, this list is non-exhaustive.  Yet, it also very revealing.  It has often been said that you do not sometimes realize when you have had a good thing until it is (or they are) gone!

Being taken for granted occurs in a variety of forms and degrees.  It is often seen in our marriages, parenting, friendships, on our jobs, and yes, even in the Church!  It seems the deeper the commitment and more devotion there is in a relationship; the greater the pain, devastation, and disappointment can be when this occurs.  If we are honest with ourselves, we intentionally and unintentionally take God for granted all the time!  We really do not mean to do it, but we do!  Some of us are taking God for granted at alarming rates, and this ought not to be!  Today’s sermon presentation examines how one man (a leper and societal outcast) refused to take his Blessor for granted!  He made up his mind to give God glory and not go along with the crowd!  After today’s sermon, hopefully, you will decide to do the same even if that means you have to “Shout All By Yourself!”

  1. Leviticus lays out the law on leprosy in 116 verses!
  2. Lepers were required to live outside the camp!                                 Numbers 5:1-4
  3. The Hebrews believed sickness was God’s punishment.                 2 Chronicles 26:20
  4. Lepers had to announce publicly their uncleanness!                       v12; Leviticus 13:45-46
    1. Deliverance can occur in the opposite direction!
    2. Have “Just say the Word” faith!                                                 Matthew 8:8
    3. You’re a miracle in motion!                                                         v14
    4. Believe and conceive before you receive and achieve!           Romans 4:17
    1. Don’t be a “desperation only” disciple!                                     Psalm 18:6
    2. Beware of offering God “half-dead or half-asleep” praise!   John Wesley
    3. Does your praise arrest God’s attention?                                 v13; Mark 10:47-49
    4. Give God glory and praise, anyway!                                          Hebrews 13:15
    1. Don’t let rocks cry out for you!                                                   Luke 19:40
    2. Have an attitude of gratitude!                                                    1 Thessalonians 5:18
    3. Faithful stewardship of blessings makes room for more!    Matthew 25:23
    4. God’s mercies clean our slates!                                                  Lamentations 3:22-23; Psalm 136:1

Of the five statements Jesus makes in this passage, more than half of them (three) are interrogatories.  “Were there not ten cleansed?  But where are the nine?  Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?”  While it is never explicitly stated, these questions clearly lead us to the conclusion that Jesus feels very disappointed and taken for granted.  Unfortunately, we are all guilty of forgetting to remember to thank God for all that He has done!  When you receive anything from God, always give God the glory, even if you have to “Shout All By Yourself!”

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