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Psalm 146


L’Shanah Tovah!!! Happy Feast of Trumpets and New Year!

You’re probably wondering, it’s not January 1!  And you’re absolutely right!!!  No, it’s not the end of the Gregorian calendar year.  However, it is God’s New Year!  As is customary with the start of any new year, many of us will make New Year’s resolutions, like reading your Bible or praying more; getting into better physical shape; living life to the fullest; spending less and saving more; getting organized; breaking (or reducing) our smartphone and social media addictions; and being friendlier.  There is a resolution for just about any and everything, even at funerals!

As we enter God’s New Year, many of us will make resolutions that are “non-starters!”  Others of us will begin steadily, but then nose-dive in our commitment to our resolutions. Today’s sermon offers a resolution that must be on every Believer’s list!  It is a PRAISE RESOLUTION!  God will bless you powerfully, personally, and practically when you make Him a priority!  God also desires to reveal new things, take us to new dimensions, and bless us above and beyond all we can ever ask or think!  So, make up your mind today to “Prioritize Your Praise!”

PRAISE IS A COMMAND!                  
  1. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!                      Psalm 150:6
  2. God created us for His praise!                                                      Isaiah 43:21
  3. The great God deserves great praise!                                          Psalm 145:1-3
  1. Despite praise being a command, we must still choose!        Joshua 24:15
  2. Don’t let rocks take your place!                                                    Luke 19:40
  3. Praise God as long as you live!                                                      Psalm 63:3-4; Psalm 146
  1. Our praise should never be situational or circumstantial!      Psalm 34:1
  2. We must be in a perpetual mindset of praise.                            Psalm 113:2-3
  3. Praise God as long as you live!                                                   1-2; Psalm 63:3-4
  1. The devil desires to silence your praise!                                    Psalm 43:5
  2. Learn to praise God from painful places!                                  Job 13:15
  3. Praise is one of your weapons of mass destruction!                2 Chronicles 20:19-30

We prioritize whomever or whatever is important to us!  Christians cannot afford to put God as second fiddle.  God is our Creator and alone deserves our praise and worship!  Do not let our situations and circumstances dictate when we praise the Lord!  Rather, let our praises dictate to our situations!  Praising God takes the focus off our circumstances and us and places it rightfully upon God!  Do not be a praise pimp or prostitute your praise!  Prioritize Your Praise and be blessed in Jesus’ Name! Therefore, as long as you have breath in your bodies, fix your minds on praising God!

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