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James 5:7-10


Today’s fast-paced global society has us wired to expect and receive things immediately!  Whether it’s a Tweet, Facebook or Instagram post, or other social media outlets, we can be connected around the world with the click of a button!  Many business transactions today can now be consummated without even shaking hands.  Money can even hit our bank accounts with a photograph from a smartphone!  You can even order groceries online and have them delivered to you without ever leaving the comfort of your own home!  This instant gratification society has spoiled us to the point that patiently waiting has practically become a foreign or alien concept!

Patiently waiting does not mean one is sitting idly by.  Rather, patiently waiting involves an active and anticipatory mindset that is followed up with action!  Therefore, faith without works is dead!  The Bible is filled with examples of people who patiently waited for God’s glory and promises to manifest in their lives!  Yet, some of these never attained the promises for which they were expecting!  Thus, when Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke to more than 25,000 people on the state capitol steps in Montgomery, Alabama after the successful completion of the Selma to Montgomery March on March 25, 1965, a gigantic step toward securing the Voting Rights Act, his refrain was, “How long?  Not long!”  Some remained (and remain) skeptical.  Today’s sermon focuses on our behavior while we are patiently waiting on our blessings!  None of us knows the day nor the hour of Jesus Christ’s return, but by faith, we join Dr. King in saying, “How Long?  Not Long!”

LEPROSY LEAVES!                                                       Mark 1:40-45
  1. Leprosy was 21st-century cancer!               Leviticus 13:45-46
  2. Lepers lived in isolation!                     Luke 17:11-19
  3. The leper refused to be denied!
HEMORRHAGING HEALED!                                              Mark 5:25-34
    1. Women were property & under the social hierarchy.
    2. All women were ceremonially unclean.             Leviticus 15:19-30
    3. Desperate times call for desperate measures!
BLINDNESS BLANKED!                                                           John 9:1-12
    1. Don’t let people label you!                                                                                         2
    2. Blindness is not only physical!                                            Mark 8:21; Isaiah 43:19
    3. Communities of faith participate in your sight recovery!           Acts 9:10-18
TIMELESS TAKEAWAYS!                               
    1. Adopt an agricultural attitude!                                                                                  7
    2. Strengthen (make firm) your heart!                                                                         8
    3. Don’t complain while you’re waiting!                                                                      9
PERSONAL PROMISES!                                                                           
    1. What has God promised you?
    2. What are you doing while you wait?
    3. How has God moved during your waiting room period?

It’s not a coincidence that God made patience one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit!  We must learn to exhibit patience between the promise and our possession!  Don’t allow your behavior to block your blessings!  Psalm 27:14 reminds us, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!”  Trust the Holy Spirit while you are in your waiting room!  While you’re waiting, remember what God has already done in your life!  Continue looking to the hills from whence comes your help!  Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”  God is a Promise Keeper!  Continue in faith!  Believe while patiently waiting for Christ’s return!

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