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Assignment:  Use the S.O.A.P.  method to break down sermon below.

Task:  Using Matthew 26:6-13 you will do the S.O.A.P. method to “study” these verses.  S.O.A.P. is an acronym for:

Scripture – Read Matthew 26:6-13 in two different translations or versions and then write down a verse or two that jumps out to you and why.
Observation – What are your personal observations that you note from this scripture?
Application – How does it now apply to your everyday life? What can you do to apply this in your life today?
Prayer – Write a personal prayer based on your observation and application (2-3 sentences). This can be a Lord, help me prayer or a Lord, help me to keep doing what You want prayer.

15 Minutes.

Discussion: Share your findings with a family or friend, a relative, associate or neighbor.   How does this scripture relate to you being intentional in making God/Jesus/Holy Spirit F.E.E.L. you in 2024?

Sermon Notes | Dec 3 | CLICK TO REWATCH



Giving HIM Something HE can F.E.E.L.!

Matthew 26: 6-13 NKJV



1976 Movie Sparkle which was about a 1958 singing group that overcame tragedy to end up in triumph.  This song epitomized the love interest in the movie between Irene Cara (Sparkle) and Phillip Michael Thomas Stix.   Aretha Franklin was the voice behind the song and by proxy she gave me the motivation behind what I, Me and Mine are going to do in 2024.

Aretha is letting him know.

I’m going to put in the work for it.

I’m going to put my passion in it.

WVCF Technically we are 2 months into GOD’S new year anyway.

We had a Strategic September, an Opportunity  October, and Family Matters November

Now we are going to have a Deliberate and Determined December.

My Soul, My Focus will be on the ONE WHO IT SHOULD BELONG TO HIM!!!

But Some of us Need to Recalibrate 2023 wasn’t about HIM it was.

About THEM!

Proving Ourselves to THEM

Sharing Our Substance with THEM

Chasing after THEM!

About him/her!

Why didn’t he/she pick me!

What is about me he/she does not like!

Al Green “I’m so tired of being alone I’m tired and forlorn won’t help girl as soon as can!

THEY can’t help because THEY ain’t HIM!!!!

Jesus must be the focus, the reason, to get the results! Matthew 6:33


The Gospels tell us why?

John tells us that JESUS is GOD!  Pre-existed, Powerful and Purposed!

Luke tells us that JESUS is the Perfect Man! He loves, He leads, and he listens!!!

Mark tells us the JESUS is a Servant!  On Assignment, about his appointments and he is Anointed!

Matthew tells us that JESUS is the MESSiah!  He has a MESSage for a world in a MESS!!!  Jesus was anointed for handling MESS!!!

Luke 4:18.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me [a]to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are [b]oppressed;

He can handle the MESS!!!!

In our text Jesus came to deal with a Lady in a MESS!

Alabaster Box

It was extravagant, expensive, and elegant!  Instead of focusing on the Denarii let’s look at.

The disappointment, disillusionment the DETERMINATION!! OF THIS woman!

What does GOD respond to?

What can I do as a Kingdom Citizen to make GOD FEEL me?!

How can I GLORIFY              HIM?

How can I MAGNIFY             HIM?

How can I LIFT                     HIM UP?


Wait on HIM Cater to HIM, Get away with HIM!!

She came  See HIM!         At his HOUSE                                                               Ps 122

She wants to hear HIM!     HIS WORD!                                                                Ps 119:105

She wants HIM to          Smell her Worship                                                         2 Cor 2:15

She wants TASTE and see                                                                                    Psalm 34:8

She wanted to TOUCH HIM!       US Heart-Love, Head -Mind, Hands-Work           Luke 8:45-46

Alabaster Box:  How do I know HE can FEEL IT!

  • Is it Precious to YOU? V7

There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.

  • Does IT cause a Problem for others? V8-9

 But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, to what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor.

  • Does it bring Pleasure to GOD? V10-11

When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me.  For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

  • Does it Preach to the WORLD? V12-13

 For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.

Make HIM F.E.E.L. YOU!


FAITH,                                       I believe HIM.

EXPECTATION                          I’m waiting on HIM.

EXHORATATION,                      I speak WELL of HIM

LOVE                                        I Love him.

Oh LORD/Thank You Jesus!

Prayed Oh Lord when he answered say THANK YOU JESUS

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