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Mark 11:22-24


Tonight’s Victory Wednesday Bible Study focuses on two (2) essential virtues of a believer’s walk with The Lord: faith and, secondarily, prayer.  While faith and prayer obviously go together, a believer cannot have an effective and joyful prayer life without faith.  Your faith must precede your prayers.  Your faith in The Lord must precede your prayers to The Lord in order for you to sustain a solid relationship with Him.

These are some basic takeaways from tonight’s lesson.

  1. As Mark 11:22-24 indicates, faith is NOT vague, indefinite or shadowy. Faith is more than an abstract belief in God’s ability and willingness to perform His Word.
  2. Faith grasps and holds on to the very thing you are asking for according to God’s Word or promise (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is definite and specific.  Faith boldly and unapologetically seeks and expects the things hoped for according to God’s Word.
  3. Faith throws all its weight on The Lord, all in!
  4. When your Scriptural faith is activated, you access God’s unlimited resources for your request or petition. Mark 11:24,25
  5. Prayers ask for what you know your faith tells you that you can have!  Mark 11:23-25; I John 5:14, 15
  6. Your faith and prayers select, or nominate, the petitions you seek from The Lord. You are in control of that process!   Mark 11:24
  7. Make certain your faith and prayers are in sync. Position yourself so your faith and prayer life grow together exceedingly.   II Thessalonians 1:3
  8. Faith is not what you say, but what you do! Mandrill (music group)   Hebrews 11

Source: The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer


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