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Psalm 8


Today, we conclude our CELEBRATE L.I.F.E. preaching series!  It is our prayer that this sermon series edifies, encourages, and empowers you long after this temporary season ends!  To recap, you have heard manna from Heaven from Pastor Caldwell on the first and third core values, Love and Fellowship, respectively!  In his sermon, “An Enemy’s Love,” Pastor Caldwell recounted the story of the Good Samaritan, who is embodied in Jesus Christ.   Jesus heals the places where we have been stripped and wounded.  Jesus also paid the price (to the innkeeper) and promised to come back for the man (Jesus will come back for us again).  Then, we heard about the power of Fellowship (fellows on the same ship)!  God wants us to be the Acts 2 Church!  That means Fellowship will be on the increase while “Me-a-ship” is on the decrease!

Pastor Craig preached on Integrity in his sermon, “Nevertheless!”  Who will we be when pressure squeezes us?  At His crucible hour, Jesus had a decision to make.  One decision would have condemned us to eternal damnation!  The other decision, the one I’m glad He made, puts us in right standing with God!  Today’s sermon focuses on excellence!   However, we must not use human standards for measuring excellence.  God is the standard of excellence and, therefore, He calls us to excellence!  Because we have been given dominion over the earth, God expects us to ensure there’s “Excellence in the Earth!”

II. IDENTITY!                        v. 1
  1. We are image-bearers!                                                               Genesis 1:26-27
  2. Our identity is in God!                                               Isaiah 43:1; Jeremiah 1:5
  3. God calls you “Beloved!”                                                                 Luke 3:21-22
 III.     INFANTS!                    v. 2
  1. Teach your children to speak the oracles of God!        Deuteronomy 11:18-21
  2. A child will lead!                                                                                Isaiah 11:6-9
  3. The Kingdom belongs to children!                                              Matthew 18:2-4
IV. IMPORTANCE!                v. 4
  1. God knows every detail of our lives!                                              Psalm 139:18
  2. We are on God’s mind!                                                                Jeremiah 29:11
  3. God cares about our cares!                                                                 1 Peter 5:7
V. INFLUENCE!                      v.6
  1. God put us in charge of the earth!                                                  Genesis 1:28
  2. We play a role in what happens!                                             2 Chronicles 7:14
  3. Be light in darkness!                                                                      Matthew 5:14

Philippians 2:9-11 reminds us, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Because we are in Christ, we are not only image-bearers, but name-bearers!  Spread the Excellence in the Earth!


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