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“Don’t Let Your Appetite Destroy Your Anointing”

Genesis 25:19-23



A natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food. A strong desire or liking for something.


To appoint priests, kings, and sometimes prophets to their positions by the ceremony of anointing. Holy oil was poured over the head of the person as a sign that he was set apart for the service of God.

Why could this be a problem?

Two types of Pain

Consequence Vs. Commitment

I did not, therefore, I cannot.

I did, therefore, I can.  What have I been Qualified for vs. What I have been disqualified for?

We may be Perverting What God has Planned and Paid for!

7 Blessings of Passover
  1. God will assign an angel to His people. (Exodus 23: 20, 23)
  2. God will be an enemy to the enemies of His people. (v. 22)
  3. God will give prosperity to His people. (v. 25)
  4. God will take sickness away from His people. (v. 25)                              Relationship!
  5. God will give long life to His people. (v. 26)
  6. God will bring increase and inheritance. (v. 30)
  7. God will give a special year of blessing. (v. 31)
  • God wants a COOPERATIVE Relationship with US, not COERCIVE!
  • Amos 3:3     When we agree
  • Joshua 1:8  We’re in this together.
  • Jeremiah 29:11 I’ve got Big Plans for YOU!
  • God wants to bless HIS CHILDREN to manage CREATION.
    • Genesis 1:27-28 Dominion
    • Psalm 115: 16 Heaven and Earth
    • Matthew 18:18 Earth and Heaven
  • GOD is teaching us the blessings are CONDITIONAL based on our COMPLIANCE.

Isaiah 1:19                      Willing and Obedient/ Eating GOOD!

Psalm 1:1-5                    Watch what you DO/ Always Plugged!


LECTURE VS. LAB  23:27-34

You will have the opportunity to practice, perform publicly what you practice and perform privately GOOD or BAD!!!

  1. 27 Don’t let your DIFFERENCE Affect YOUR OBEDIENCE!!
  2. 28 Don’t let your Parents’ DYSFUNCTION AFFECT YOUr DECISIONS.
  3. 31 Don’t misuse YOUR POSITION to Manipulate PEOPLE!!
  4. 32 Don’t EXAGGERATE YOUR Condition to get what you want.
  5. 33 Don’t let YOUR Appetite destroy your Birthright!


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