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One morning, while sipping on a cup of tea, Oliver Wendell Holmes is reputed to have said: There are three you’s. There is the you as you see yourself; there is the you as others see you; and then there is the real you.  Nowadays, the phrase “do you” has become popular in some circles.  The challenge is, however, doing you can get you in trouble, especially if that “you” is depending on “your you.”

Why spend some, most or all of your life being a “you” whom God cannot use?  Why become and remain a you whom God will not bless to the maximum?  Why be a you God cannot use for His glory?

Today’s message is designed to position you to be the you God has created, called and sacrificed you to be.  The message is also designed to reveal the type of believer The Lord wants in His Church.

Affirm: I want to be someone God can use for His maximum glory!

(Today’s notes support the verbal presentation.  The notes and the verbal presentation will vary.  The written and audible versions are consistent and compatible with each other, but they are not convergent necessarily.)

BEG YOU TO WORSHIP? — Isaiah 6:1-5; I Samuel 16:1-12
  1. Declare God’s authority.
  2. Decree your accountability.
  3. Destroy your self-absorption.
  4. Discern your assessment plan.
BEG YOU TO CHANGE? — Isaiah 6:5
  1. When you worship The Lord, expect to be convicted.
  2. Your conviction should lead to your correction.
  3. Conviction helps you to see yourself in light of who God is.
  4. Conviction results in your seeing something wrong (in yourself) this weekend what you didn’t even know was there last weekend.
  5. After you have encountered your conviction and experienced your correction, return to your worship!
  6. Conviction → Confession → Consecration →  Correction
BEG YOU TO SERVE? — Isaiah 6:8
  1. The greatest among us will be the servant of us all.
  2. How can we not serve when we don’t own anything we use to serve?
  3. When we have been with The Lord, we serve. Period!
BEG YOU TO STAND? — Acts 14:8-10
  1. See what God sees in you.
  2. Life will hide what God put in you. Today, “it” is coming out!
  3. Your enemy or your flesh will cause you to remain stuck in “your you.” Instead, strive to be the you who The Lord wants you to be!
  4. Don’t settle!
BEG YOU TO DO JESUS? — Matthew 9:9-12; 12:24
  1. Jesus did not pass through 42 generations, die on the cross and get up with all power for just church folk.
  2. Jesus ministered to the sinners, and you should too.
  3. Jesus’ ministry to sinners was so powerful, He was accused of being Beelzebub.

Source: A Sermon by Bishop Paul David Landrew

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If you would like the Word Version of the sermon notes, click HERE.

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