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Matthew 15:21-28


In her book Praying To Change Your Life, Pastor Suzette T. Caldwell defines prayer as “a tool that allows us to communicate with God and for God.”  Prayer is not just any old tool; it is “a supernatural tool created by God” allowing us to have direct access with and to God.  Scripture reminds us that Jesus Christ, God in the Second Person, “is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us!”  So, if God prays to Himself for us, who are we to think or believe as Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) that praying is optional!?!?  In other words, praying must be our prerogative!

Aside from Jesus Christ, Moses is arguably the greatest human intercessor in the Bible.  While Moses certainly prayed for his own needs, the lion’s share of his prayer life that is recorded in Scripture was praying on behalf of others, the nation called Israel.  In a selfish and individualistic society, this is a stunning paradigm shift to be concerned about others!  Today’s sermon examines the prayer life of a parent, a mother, in the model of Moses. We will see how this parent’s desperation and persistence led to her child’s deliverance and salvation for a nation!

PARENTAL CARE!                  

  1. Be good stewards of your gift(s)!  Proverbs 22:6; Psalm 127:3-4
  2. Children need an Advocate just like Christians! 1 John 2:1-2
  3. The Kingdom belongs to children! Matthew 19:14
  4. Intercede for your children! Mark 9:17-27; Luke 8:40-56; John 4:46-54; 2 Kings 4:17-20, 28-37


  1. Refuse to be silenced!         Mark 10:46-48
  2. God’s silence does not mean He is ignoring you! v23
  3. Know your cries go to God’s ears! Psalm 18:6; Psalm 61:1


  1. Jesus is the problem in this passage! 24; Matthew 10:5
  2. Don’t allow your socioeconomic status to make you a sideliner!  v26
  3. Take advantage of every “Christ encounter!”    v21
  4. Do not let Jesus pass you by! Genesis 18:3


  1. Have the kind of persistence that makes God relent! v28; Exodus 32:14
  2. Don’t let go of the Blessor until you receive your blessing! Genesis 32:25-30
  3. Don’t let pious people discourage you! v23; Mark 10:48
  4. Come boldly and humbly to God! Hebrews 4:16


When you are desperate for deliverance, you will do anything for a breakthrough, including pray!  But we don’t need to wait for some demonic spirit to attack our children or some dire circumstances to pray. We must learn to have regular talks with the Lord.  The Canaanite or Syro-Phoenician woman reminds us of the power of a praying parent.  She went from being called a “dog” to having her demon-possessed daughter being delivered.  Her parental care, passionate cries, party-crashing mentality, and continuous pressing are the makings of a powerful prayer life.  Because of her prayer life, she is the only woman in the Bible who Jesus said had great faith.

Source: Caldwell, Suzette T. Praying to Change Your Life: A Guide to Productive Prayer, Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2009. Publishers

February 16, 2019

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