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Matthew 19:13, 14; Psalm 142:7


The Church, founded by Jesus and sustained by the Holy Spirit, is called to continue the mission of Jesus Christ  by re-presenting or representing God’s kingdom on earth as it is already done in heaven. The Church should strive to do and be everything  Jesus manifested while He was on earth.  Someone walking down the street should be able to look inside any  given local Church and say: “Hey! This is what  the Kingdom of God is like!”  The Church  should reflect and re-present the competencies and character of Jesus Christ.  When we do that, The Lord is glorified, and the devil is de-glorified.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of many, not only is today’s Church failing to fulfill the expectations in the preceding paragraph, the folk in the Church actually hurt people.  We should help, not hurt, people.  Whether it is intentional or unintentional, hurt is hurt, particularly when the church was supposed to be a home that offers help and hope.  Disappointing!

Today’s message will acknowledge Church hurt, why it happens and how to process it.

CHURCH HURT IS NOT NEW.           Matthew 19:13, 14
  1. The little children were brought to Jesus harmoniously.  According to tradition, Jesus was prepared to put His hands on them and pray for them.
  2. The disciples, however, blocked, or rebuked, the children.  Why would you deny children?!
  3. The children were: a) socially powerless;  b) dependent upon someone else for survival; c) politically impotent; and d) without self-justification.
  4. The “Church folk” blocked people from getting to Jesus.
  5. Sometimes, the Body of Christ prevents persons from getting to the Body of Christ!
HURT FOLK HURT FOLK.           PSALM 34:17; I PETER 5:7
    1. Hurt, or wounded, folk think hurt or wounded, so they act hurt or wounded.  Why would you expect otherwise?
    2. Wounded people wound themselves as well.
    3. When left alone, woundedness becomes cyclical, cultural and generational.
    1. Jesus, The Wounded Healer, was a millennial!
    2. Take a deep breath…What do you smell?
    3. Look at those caps (inside the Church)!
    4. What is on and in your mind?
FROM HURT TO HEALED!                                                        PSALM 142:7
    1. When folk get in the way, God improvises.
    2. When disease comes, God improvises.
    3. When disappointment occurs, God improvises.
    4. God is The Author of improvisation!
    1. Jesus is born of a (virgin) woman. (Mathew 1:24-25)
    2. Jesus turns water into wine. (John 2:1-11)
    3. Jesus heals a woman who had been bent over for 38 years. (Luke 13:10-17)
    4. Jesus points his finger and a corpse comes to life.  (Luke 6:17 7:23)
    5. God, The Father, raises God, The Son, Jesus, from the dead. (Luke 24)
    6. Jesus preaches to the imprisoned spirits between His crucifixion and resurrection. (1 Peter 3:19, 20)
    7. Jesus walks through a closed door. (John 20:19)


Source:  Joshua of Philly Connect Fellowship

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