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I Kings 17:7-16; Psalm 23:4


Normally, when members of the Christian community think about and refer to miracles, we habitually assume they are eye-poppingly abundant or phenomenal one-time events.  Today’s passage redefines abundance and shows us how miracles can be perceived as routine and, as a result, we take them for granted or, worse yet, miss them entirely.  When you underappreciate or overlook God’s miracles, you hamper your spiritual growth and dishonor The Lord.

Today’s message is designed for you to grow spiritually and honor The Lord by acknowledging, receiving and expecting “God’s Blessings From The Bottom.”

As a result of Israel’s disobedience, God caused a drought. The drought was a deliberate refutation of Baal, the fertility god. 7

 Establish THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY as your exclusive god.  The Lord should not have any rivals in your life!


Just as folk hold national leaders responsible for the economy, so folk in the ancient world held the king accountable for rain. When The Lord locked up the heavens, He rendered Baal inadequate and irrelevant.   8, 9

If the gods of this culture are contending for your attention, admiration, or assets, you must shut them out!


God sent Elijah into the enemy’s territory and used him as His agent of miracles. 8-10

 Expect God to bless you miraculously even when you think He does not have “home field advantage!”


Elijah told the widow not to be afraid.      13

Put the faith from the Word on top of your fear from the world. “Do not be afraid” appears 365 times in the Bible.


When Elijah met the widow, the widow and her son were at the point of death. God blessed three (3) persons to live for three (3) years.     11-13

 Expect bountiful, bottom-of-the-barrel blessings!


Psalm 23 provides a Scriptural model for how to be blessed while you’re at the bottom.

While you are at the bottom, learn life’s lessons about your friends, yourself and your faith!


Elijah is as good as God’s Word. 16

Speak what God has spoken!


In spite of the multiple blessings from the bottom of the barrel, the widow did not believe until God raised her son from the dead. 1 Kings 17:24

When God blesses you the first time, trust Him!

Sources:  1 and 2 Kings Commentary by Walter Brueggemann; The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament by John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas

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