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II Samuel 6:1-12


The significance of God’s presence in the midst of our lives today has been lost.  The dynamics, “devilment” and drama of the 21st century have contributed to our becoming insensitive, if not downright anesthetized, to the power and peculiarity of God’s presence.

When God is present, powerful and peculiar, things can happen and, in fact, have happened. For instance, blind eyes are opened; torn Achilles and busted ligaments are healed supernaturally; high school “failures” become game changers in the workplace; and folks’ death notices are reversed.  When God is present, and His presence is properly acknowledged and appreciated by His people, only The Almighty knows what is going to happen!  God and evil cannot co-exist.

David recognized the significance of God’s presence – and acted accordingly.  As a result, God moved accordingly.  Today and always, I hope we, the Windsor Church Family, will follow David’s lead.  As a result, I trust The Lord will be gracious toward us and move accordingly, today and always.

“You will declare a thing and it shall be established for you and light will shine upon your affairs.”   Job 22:28  The Jewish Study Bible

  • For worshippers, the ark of the covenant represented the presence, or glory, of God. The ark had been separated from the tabernacle and other places of worship for 100 years. David was ready to get it back!
  • David was to retrieve the ark, place it on Mount Zion, and declare Jerusalem both the administrative and religious center of the nation.
  • The ark represented the presence of God who dwelled among His people a special way. Exodus 25:22 As such, the ark should be handled a special way.  Exodus 25:14; Numbers 4:15, 20
  • David and all of Israel expressed their joy about the ark’s presence by dancing to the sounds of the instruments!
  • First-time dancers in the sanctuary, lead the way!
  • The ark was viewed as an object which required caution and respect. By its very nature, it was dangerous.
  • Respect God’s presence and the presence of God’s people.
  • Obed-edom and his entire household were blessed when the ark, which represents God’s presence, came to his house.
  • The report of Obed-edom’s blessings went viral (virtually).
  • When God is present in your home, your entire household will be blessed completely!
  • Blessing: To be Divinely empowered to accomplish the original purpose.
  • The worshippers were so thankful for God’s presence among them, they offered a sacrifice every six steps.
  • As the ark was carried, the community sacrificed an asset after every sixth step. They stopped after each sixth step and recognized God with an offering.
CONCLUSION   Numbers 10:35, 36
  • God’s presence, or glory, is also used in a dynamic way to witness to His contests for power and sovereignty.
  • God loves in a world where we worship other gods. Oftentimes, these gods try to convince us that they are worthy of rivaling God.
  • These gods must be defeated in our lives! In these cases, “glory” has a military connotation and it is linked to the ark.

Sources: The Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament by Walvoord & Zuck; Reverberations of Faith by Walter Brueggemann; and The VIP Bible Background Commentary Old Testament by John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas

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