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John 5:1-9


I. Introduction

Congratulations!  The 2018-19 school/academic year is officially in the books (no pun intended)!  While some students will transition to summer school in the coming weeks, the mass exodus of students resembles the parting of the Red Sea.  As summer vacation begins, families will fill the “dog days” of summer with nonstop activities like BBQs/cookouts, summer and sports camps, VBS, bike riding, camping and field trips, slumber parties and sleepovers, amusement parks, baseball games, movie nights, birthday parties, holidays, and swimming!  Regardless, students will have approximately 80 days to relax before the next school year begins!

Meteorologists project that temperatures will soar to record highs again this summer in the greater Houston and Gulf Coast region.  That means many people will try to beat the heat by heading to the pools.  Swimming is a great source of exercise and fun, but swimming pools contribute to nearly 100 unintentional drownings in Texas each year.  Even worse is the fact that drownings occur at a disproportionately higher rate among children who are low-income, black, and female.  Today’s sermon sheds light on the mindsets of the marginalized before and after their encounter with their Maker!  Thousands will gather at pool sides around the country for different reasons, and many might drown without even touching the water!  It is not God’s desire for any of us to drown under the weight of our circumstances!  As we continue toward Pentecost, we will examine a Festival pool party!  Today, we will see what happens when Jesus stops by “A Pool Party!”

  1. Expect joy, rest, worship, and liberation!                                Deuteronomy 5:12-15
  2. Miracles are supposed to happen on the Sabbath!              Acts 5:15-16
  3. Let the Lord rule over your Sabbath!                                     Mark 2:27-28
  4. This is one of seven supernatural Sabbaths!                          Mark 1:21-31, 3:1-6; Luke 13:10-17, 14:1-6; John 9:1-6
  1. Sickness is not from God!                                                          3 John 2
  2. Jesus bore the world’s sin and sickness!                                Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17
  3. God annihilates sickness during the Feasts!                          Exodus 23:25
  4. There’s a difference between being cured and healed!
  1. Sickened by systematic slavery.                                              Numbers 14:2
  2. Blinded by bad beliefs.                                                              John 9:2
  3. Paralyzed by past pains & present pity.                                 v. 5; Proverbs 26:11
  4. Lame because of limitations.                                                   v. 7
  1. God sees you!                                                                                  v. 6; Genesis 16:13V.
  2. God knows your circumstances!                                               v. 6; Psalm 139:1-10
  3. God expects you to participate in your breakthrough!           vv. 8-9
  4. We’ve already got the power inside!                                          Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 3:20

Today’s Scripture is a stark reminder that we don’t have to continue living under or accepting ungodly circumstances!  It’s also not God’s will for us to keep causing self-inflicted wounds!  God has empowered us to usher in The Kingdom of God on earth and disrupt the status quo in our communities, churches, and beyond!  That means whatever is sick, lame, withered, paralyzed, and causing blindness in our lives must go!  We must stay connected and tap into our power source (God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit)!  God expects us to do our part to ensure we and others get off the porch!  God wants us to drown in the pool of His promises!  So, get up!

If you would like the PDF Version of the sermon notes, click HERE.

If you would like the Word Version of the sermon notes, click HERE.

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