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Romans 1:16-17


Have you heard the latest gossip?  There is no shortage of gossip today.  News (and misinformation) goes viral like a global outbreak infection.  Instantly, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and news stations give viewers a front-row seat to the latest as it happens.  By the time gossip finally stops (if it ever does), the original content usually is watered down at best or has been completely lost at worse.  Perhaps, you are currently either the subject of the latest gossip or a facilitator of it!

Gossip can be downright nasty!  I want to suggest that none of us has received a “gossip immunization.”  We all do it, almost instinctively!  Some of us do it better than others!  Some of us are master gossipers!  But, if there was ever any good gossiping, it’s sharing the Gospel!  Do you gossip about it?  Today’s sermon shares what the Gospel is, how to effectively communicate it, and why we should communicate it.   We must learn to communicate the GOSPEL like the ABCs: with accuracy, brevity, and consistency.  Your “gossiping status” (rookie or professional and everyone in between) is irrelevant because we have a Kingdom mandate to fulfill.  Let’s learn to gossip the Gospel to the Glory of God!

THE SPECIAL NEWS                  
  1. “Gospel” or “god spell” or euaggelion (Gk.) means “good news.”
  2. The “good news” is Christianity’s central message that God provides salvation to the world through Jesus Christ. John 3:16-17
  3. No one is exempt from sharing and living out the Gospel. 1 Peter 3:15-16; Jude 3
  4. Faith alone is the Gospel’s prerequisite. Romans 5:1-2
  1. Righteousness comes by grace, not the law! Galatians 2:15-21
  2. People and preachers can pervert the Gospel. Galatians 1:6-9; Ephesians 4:14-15
  3. Division and lies are hallmarks. 1 Corinthians 1:10-18; 1 John 2:22-25
  4. Always apply your litmus test1 1 John 4:1-6
  1. The law of confession saves! Romans 10:9-10
  2. God desires that all people to be saved! 1 Timothy 2:3-6
  3. We believe; God saves! Acts 2:21, 4:12; Zephaniah 3:17

The world has mastered spreading news (good or bad)!  The Christian Church has done a less than stellar job spreading the “SAVING NEWS.”  The Church’s evangelistic witness has now become watered down because of its inconsistent message and social club perception.  Some studies suggest that there are more than 33,000 Christian denominations in the world.  If Christians have maintained the essence of the SAVING NEWS, then these numbers (real or fake) are an embarrassment.  Christians must get back to the basics in our profession that Jesus Christ is Lord!  Then, and only then, will we be able to reduce or eliminate scandalous news.

January 26, 2019

2019 Caldwell Ministries, Inc.

All rights reserved – No production of this material is permitted without expressed written permission of CMI

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